Publication years


Data source: Scopus
Date last updated: 9 December 2020
Date exported: 19 December 2020

  1. Aguilar, P.| Linsuwanont, P. Vital pulp therapy in vital permanent teeth with cariously exposed pulp: A systematic review. 2011 Journal of Endodontics: 581-587 DOI: 1016/j.joen.2010.12.004
  2. Thongprasom, K.| Carrozzo, M.| Furness, S.| Lodi, G. Interventions for treating oral lichen planus. 2011 Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online)
  3. Chiaoprakobkij, N.| Sanchavanakit, N.| Subbalekha, K.| Pavasant, P.| Phisalaphong, M. Characterization and biocompatibility of bacterial cellulose/alginate composite sponges with human keratinocytes and gingival fibroblasts. 2011 Carbohydrate Polymers: 548-553 DOI: 1016/j.carbpol.2011.03.011
  4. Osathanon, T.| Nowwarote, N.| Pavasant, P. Basic fibroblast growth factor inhibits mineralization but induces neuronal differentiation by human dental pulp stem cells through a FGFR and PLCγ signaling pathway. 2011 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry:1807-1816            DOI: 1002/jcb.23097
  5. Thotsaporn, K.| Chenprakhon, P.| Sucharitakul, J.| Mattevi, A.| Chaiyen, P. Stabilization of C4a-hydroperoxyflavin in a two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenase is achieved through interactions at flavin N5 and C4a Atoms. 2011 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 28170-28180  DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M111.241836
  1. Almubarak, H.| Jones, A.| Chaisuparat, R.| Zhang, M.| Meiller, T.F.| Scheper, M.A. Zoledronic acid directly suppresses cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in highly tumorigenic prostate and breast cancers. 2011 Journal of Carcinogenesis: DOI: 4103/1477-3163.75723
  2. Osathanon, T.| Bespinyowong, K.| Arksornnukit, M.| Takahashi, H.| Pavasant, P. Human osteoblast-like cell spreading and proliferation on Ti-6Al-7Nb surfaces of varying roughness. 2011 Journal of oral science: 23-30 DOI: 2334/josnusd.53.23
  3. Chantarangsu, S.| Mushiroda, T.| Mahasirimongkol, S.| Kiertiburanakul, S.| Sungkanuparph, S.| Manosuthi, W.| Tantisiriwat, W.| Charoenyingwattana, A.| Sura, T.| Takahashi, A.| Kubo, M.| Kamatani, N.| Chantratita, W.| Nakamura, Y. Genome-wide association study identifies variations in 6p3 associated with nevirapine-induced rash. 2011 Clinical Infectious Diseases: 341-348m  DOI: 10.1093/cid/cir403
  1. Sucharitakul, J.| Wongnate, T.| Chaiyen, P. Hydrogen peroxide elimination from C4a-hydroperoxyflavin in a flavoprotein oxidase occurs through a single proton transfer from flavin N5 to a peroxide leaving group. 2011 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 16900-16909  DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M111.222976
  1. Maneenut, C.| Sakoolnamarka, R.| Tyas, M.J. The repair potential of resin composite materials. 2011 Dental Materials:     e20-e27 DOI: 1016/
  2. Ruangchan, N.| Tongsook, C.| Sucharitakul, J.| Chaiyen, P. pH-dependent studies reveal an efficient hydroxylation mechanism of the oxygenase component of p-hydroxyphenylacetate 3- 2011 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 223-233 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M110.163881
  3. Foster, B.L.| Nagatomo, K.J.| Bamashmous, S.O.| Tompkins, K.A.| Fong, H.| Dunn, D.| Chu, E.Y.| Guenther, C.| Kingsley, D.M.| Rutherford, R.B.| Somerman, M.J. The progressive ankylosis protein regulates cementum apposition and extracellular matrix composition. 2011 Cells Tissues Organs: 382-405 DOI: 1159/000323457
  4. Kaomongkolgit, R.| Chaisomboon, N.| Pavasant, P. Apoptotic effect of alpha-mangostin on head and neck squamous carcinoma cells. 2011 Archives of Oral Biology: 483-490                                      DOI: 1016/j.archoralbio.2010.10.023
  5. Luckprom, P.| Kanjanamekanant, K.| Pavasant, P. Role of connexin43 hemichannels in mechanical stress-induced ATP release in human periodontal ligament cells. 2011 Journal of Periodontal Research: 607-615 DOI: 1111/j.1600-0765.2011.01379.x
  6. Suwannaroop, P.| Chaijareenont, P.| Koottathape, N.| Takahashi, H.| Arksornnukit, M. In vitro wear resistance, hardness and elastic modulus of artificial denture teeth. 2011 Dental Materials Journal: 461-468            4012/dmj.2010-200
  7. Phattarataratip, E.| Olson, B.| Broffitt, B.| Qian, F.| Brogden, K.A.| Drake, D.R.| Levy, S.M.| Banas, J.A. Streptococcus mutans strains recovered from caries-active or caries-free individuals differ in sensitivity to host antimicrobial peptides.   2011 Molecular Oral Microbiology:       187-199                DOI: 1111/j.2041-1014.2011.00607.x
  8. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Yildirim, V.| Pausch, N.C. Panel and patient perceptions of nasal aesthetics after secondary cleft rhinoplasty with versus without columellar grafting. 2011 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: 319-325 DOI: 1016/j.jcms.2010.07.007
  9. Wongnate, T.| Sucharitakul, J.| Chaiyen, P. Identification of a catalytic base for sugar oxidation in the pyranose 2-oxidase reaction. 2011 ChemBioChem: 2577-2586 DOI: 1002/cbic.201100564
  10. Pobsook, T.| Subbalekha, K.| Sannikorn, P.| Mutirangura, A. Improved measurement of LINE-1 sequence methylation for cancer detection.   2011 Clinica Chimica Acta: 314-321

DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2010.10.030

  1. Trairatvorakul, C.| Itsaraviriyakul, S.| Wiboonchan, W. Effect of glass-ionomer cement on the progression of proximal caries. 2011 Journal of Dental Research: 99-103 DOI: 10.1177/0022034510381265
  1. Wongkornchaowalit, N.| Lertchirakarn, V. Setting time and flowability of accelerated portland cement mixed with polycarboxylate superplasticizer. 2011 Journal of Endodontics: 387-389 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2010.11.039
  1. Cao, Y.| Zhang, L.| Ritprajak, P.| Tsushima, F.| Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.| Kamimura, Y.| Hashiguchi, M.| Azuma, M. Immunoregulatory molecule B7-H1 (CD274) contributes to skin carcinogenesis. 2011 Cancer Research: 4737-4741 DOI: 1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-0527
  2. Yiengprugsawan, V.| Somkotra, T.| Seubsman, S.-A.| Sleigh, A.C. Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among a large national cohort of 87,134 Thai adults. 2011 Health and Quality of Life Outcomes: DOI: 1186/1477-7525-9-42
  3. Le Grand, S.M.| Supornsilpchai, W.| Saengjaroentham, C.| Srikiatkhachorn, A. Serotonin depletion leads to cortical hyperexcitability and trigeminal nociceptive facilitation via the nitric oxide pathway. 2011 Headache: 1152-1160 DOI: 1111/j.1526-4610.2011.01931.x
  4. Stoopler, E.T.| Shirlaw, P.| Arvind, M.| Lo Russo, L.| Bez, C.| De Rossi, S.| Garfunkel, A.| Gibson, J.| Liu, H.| Liu, Q.| Thongprasom, K.| Wang, Q.| Greenberg, M.| Brennan, M. An international survey of oral medicine practice: Proceedings from the 5th World Workshop in Oral Medicine. 2011 Oral Diseases: 99-104 DOI: 1111/j.1601-0825.2011.01795.x
  5. Suwantong, O.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Electrospun zein fibrous membranes using glyoxal as cross-linking agent: Preparation, characterization and potential for use in biomedical applications. 2011 Chiang Mai Journal of Science: 56-70
  6. Rungarunlert, S.| Klincumhom, N.| Bock, I.| Nemes, C.| Techakumphu, M.| Pirity, M.K.| Dinnyes, A. Enhanced cardiac differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells by use of the slow-turning, lateral vessel (STLV) bioreactor. 2011 Biotechnology Letters: 1565-1573 DOI: 1007/s10529-011-0614-8
  7. K-Hasuwan, P.-R.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Effect of the surface topography of electrospun poly(ε-caprolactone)/ Poly(3-hydroxybuterate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) fibrous substrates on cultured bone cell behavior. 2011 Langmuir: 10938-10946 DOI: 1021/la202255w
  8. Somkotra, T. Socioeconomic inequality in self-reported oral health status: The experience of Thailand after implementation of the universal coverage policy. 2011 Community Dental Health: 136-142 DOI: 1922/CDH_2540Somkotra07
  9. Angwarawong, T.| Dubas, S.T.| Arksornnukit, M.| Pavasant, P. Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 on poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid) sodium salt-coated films. 2011 Dental Materials Journal:158-169 DOI: 4012/dmj.2010-097
  10. Muincharern, W.| Louwakul, P.| Pavasant, P.| Lertchirakarn, V. Effect of fluocinolone acetonide on human dental pulp cells: Cytotoxicity, proliferation, and extracellular matrix formation. 2011 Journal of Endodontics: 181-184 DOI: 1016/j.joen.2010.10.013
  11. Somkotra, T. Measurement and explanation of horizontal (In)equity in health care utilization among thais after universal coverage policy implementation. 2011 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health: 980-995   1177/1010539509360674
  12. Pausch, N.C.| Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Herzberg, P.Y.| Dhanuthai, K.| Hemprich, A. Secondary cleft rhinoplasty rejuvenates the nose: A suggestion from a panel survey. 2011 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology: 174-180 DOI: 10.1016/j.tripleo.2010.04.010
  1. Satrawaha, S.| Wongkhantee, S.| Pavasant, P.| Sumrejkanchanakij, P. Pressure induces interleukin-6 expression via the P2Y6 receptor in human dental pulp cells. 2011 Archives of Oral Biology: 1230-1237 DOI: 1016/j.archoralbio.2011.05.003
  2. Suwanwela, J.| Farber, C.R.| Haung, B.-L.| Song, B.| Pan, C.| Lyons, K.M.| Lusis, A.J. Systems genetics analysis of mouse chondrocyte differentiation. 2011 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research: 747-760         DOI: 1002/jbmr.271
  3. Arksornnukit, M.| Phunthikaphadr, T.| Takahashi, H. Pressure transmission and distribution under denture bases using denture teeth with different materials and cuspal angulations. 2011 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 127-136 DOI: 1016/S0022-3913(11)60013-9
  4. Yiengprugsawan, V.| Somkotra, T.| Kelly, M.| Seubsman, S.-A.| Sleigh, A.C. Factors associated with self-reported number of teeth in a large national cohort of Thai adults. 2011 BMC Oral Health: DOI: 1186/1472-6831-11-31
  5. Suwanwela, J.| Lee, J.| Lin, A.| Cemal Ucer, T.| Devlin, H.| Sinsheimer, J.| Garrett, N.R.| Nishimura, I. A genetic association study of single nucleotide polymorphisms in FGFR1OP2/wit0 and long-term atrophy of edentulous mandible. 2011 PLoS ONE: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0016204
  6. Chokechanachaisakul, U.| Kaneko, T.| Yamanaka, Y.| Kaneko, R.| Katsube, K.-I.| Kobayashi, H.| Nör, J.E.| Okiji, T.| Suda, H. Gene expression analysis of resident macrophages in lipopolysaccharide- stimulated rat molar pulps. 2011 Journal of Endodontics: 1258-1263 DOI: 1016/j.joen.2011.06.010
  7. Apinhasmit, W.| Chompoopong, S.| Jansisyanont, P.| Supachutikul, K.| Rattanathamsakul, N.| Ruangves, S.| Sangvichien, S. The study of position of antilingula, midwaist of mandibular ramus and midpoint between coronoid process and gonion in relation to lingula of 92 Thai dried mandibles as potential surgical landmarks for vertical ramus osteotomy. 2011 Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy: 337-343 DOI: 1007/s00276-010-0700-y
  8. Tompkins, K.A. Wnt proteins in mineralized tissue development and homeostasis. 2011 Connective Tissue Research:  448-458 DOI: 3109/03008207.2011.616610
  9. Thunyakitpisal, N.| Thunyakitpisal, P.| Wiwatwarapan, C. The Effect of Chemical Surface Treatments on the Flexural Strength of Repaired Acrylic Denture Base Resin. 2011 Journal of Prosthodontics: 195-199 DOI: 1111/j.1532-849X.2011.00688.x
  10. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C. Outcome research on secondary cleft rhinoplasty: The Leipzig experience. 2011     Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: 277-278        1016/j.bjps.2010.06.015
  11. Lertchirakarn, V.| Poonkaew, A.| Messer, H. Fracture resistance of roots filled with gutta-percha or RealSeal ®. 2011 International Endodontic Journal:            1005-1010 DOI: 1111/j.1365-2591.2011.01908.x
  12. Krajangta, N.| Srisawasdi, S. Microtensile bond strength of silorane-based resin composite and its corresponding adhesive in Class i occlusal restorations. 2011 American Journal of Dentistry: 346-353
  13. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hervé, C.| Coffin, J.-C.| Dhanuthai, K.| Bertrand, J.-C.| Meningaud, J.-P. Psychological care for maxillofacial trauma patients: A preliminary survey of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. 2011 Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery: 515-518 DOI: 1016/j.jcms.2010.11.007
  14. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Dhanuthai, K.| Hemprich, A.| Pausch, N.C. Research and publication ethics: What have we learned thus far?. 2011 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology:            10-12 DOI: 1016/j.tripleo.2010.10.001
  15. Piemjai, M.| Waleepitackdej, O.| García-Godoy, F.| Nakabayashi, N. Dentin protection by a primer-less adhesive technique. 2011 American Journal of Dentistry: 284-288
  16. Reichardt, L.F.| Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C. Chronic refractory osteomyelitis as a part of synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome: A diagnostic challenge. 2011 ANZ Journal of Surgery: 642-643 DOI: 1111/j.1445-2197.2011.05839.x
  17. Piemjai, M.| Waleepitackdej, O.| Nakabayashi, N. Influence of dentin substrates to simplify wet-bonding: A leakage-free and reliable tensile strength interface for long-lasting restorations. 2011 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part B Applied Biomaterials: 321-327 DOI: 1002/jbm.b.31902
  18. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C. Principlism: The simplicity of complexity, or the complexity of simplicity?. 2011 Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery:    978-979        DOI: 1016/j.bjps.2011.01.007
  19. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C. Gold for facial skin care: Fact or fiction?.          2011 Aesthetic Plastic Surgery: 1184-1188  1007/s00266-011-9710-3
  20. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Dhanuthai, K.| Hemprich, A.| Pausch, N.C. Does pleomorphic adenoma really require total parotidectomy?. 2011     Annals of Surgical Oncology: S248-S249 DOI: 1245/s10434-010-1466-5
  21. Mekrungrongwong, S.| Nakamura, K.| Kizuki, M.| Morita, A.| Somkotra, T.| Seino, K.| Takano, T. Great inclination to smoke among younger adults coming from low-socioeconomic class in Thailand. 2011 International Archives of Medicine: DOI: 1186/1755-7682-4-29
  22. Dhanuthai, K.| Thangpisityotin, M. Fluoride content of commercially-available bottled water in Bangkok, Thailand. 2011           Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry: 144-147 DOI: 1111/j.2041-1626.2010.00045.x
  23. Pitaksirianant, N.| Saykhum, K.| Wutiwiwatchai, C.| Chotimongkol, A.| Pimkhaokham, A. A study of automatic speech intelligibility testing for Thai oral surgical patients. 2011 ECTI-CON 2011 – 8th Electrical Engineering/ Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI) Association of Thailand – Conference 2011: 938-941            1109/ECTICON.2011.5947996
  24. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Dhanuthai, K.| Hemprich, A.| Pausch, N.C. Aging rhinoplasty alone fails to create a youthful appearance of the lateral face, but secondary cleft rhinoplasty rejuvenates the nose. 2011 American Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery: 632-633 DOI: 1016/j.amjoto.2010.07.025
  25. Sakoolnamarka, R. Author’s response. 2011 Journal of the American Dental Association: 16-18 DOI: 14219/jada.archive.2011.0005
  26. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Hemprich, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C. Free flap reconstruction of the maxilla: Is there something missing?. 2011  Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology and Endodontology: 4-6 DOI: 1016/j.tripleo.2010.07.019