Moving toward a competency-based curriculum in geriatric dentistry

April 20, 2021 Dr. Nareudee Limpuangthip and Assistant Professor Orapin Komin published the article described the development and architecture of Geriatric Dentistry and Special Patient Care (GSP) curriculum at Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University. The article was published in Journal of Dental Education, the lead educational journal in dentistry.

Patients’ and students’ evaluation were analyzed to obtain data for modifying GSP curriculum. For student evaluation, program specification, teaching and learning, assessment methods, student quality and support domain were assessed according to AUN-QA checklists. Results indicated that students agreed with those aspects. Students requested more learning experience regarding the management of patients with complex physical and psychological conditions as well as off-site experiences. The modifying GSP curriculum implement option for distance learners. Academic contents are modified to introduce more in genetic disorders, immunodeficiency diseases, common underlying disease in special need patients, and diet and nutrition. Off-site learning experience is put into practice. Finally, various teaching methods are utilized to greatly enhance learning experience of students.

Care for elderly and special care patients requires a multidisciplinary approach from various personnel. Dentistry is one of those who is important in care for elders. Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University actively improves its educational training to produce the excellent dentists who are expert the geriatric dental care in all physical and psychological contexts. 


Limpuangthip N, Komin O, Tatiyapongpaiboon T. Moving toward a competency-based curriculum: Analyzing patients’ information and students’ evaluation in geriatric dentistry. J Dent Educ. 2021 Apr 16. doi: 10.1002/jdd.12616. Online ahead of print.PMID: 33864255