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Data source: Scopus
Date last updated: 9 December 2020
Date exported: 19 December 2020

  1. Lotinun, S.| Ishihara, Y.| Nagano, K.| Kiviranta, R.| Carpentier, V.T.| Neff, L.| Parkman, V.| Ide, N.| Hu, D.| Dann, P.| Brooks, D.| Bouxsein, M.L.| Wysolmerski, J.| Gori, F.| Baron, R.Cathepsin K–deficient osteocytes prevent lactation-induced bone loss and parathyroid hormone suppression. 2019 Journal of Clinical Investigation: 3058-3071 DOI: 10.1172/JCI122936
  1. Smitkarn, P.| Subbalekha, K.| Mattheos, N.| Pimkhaokham, A. The accuracy of single-tooth implants placed using fully digital-guided surgery and freehand implant surgery. 2019 Journal of Clinical Periodontology: 949-957 DOI: 1111/jcpe.13160
  2. Oenning, A.C.| Pauwels, R.| Stratis, A.| De Faria Vasconcelos, K.| Tijskens, E.| De Grauwe, A.| Jacobs, R.| Salmon, B.| Chaussain, C.| Bosmans, H.| Bogaerts, R.| Politis, C.| Nicolielo, L.| Zhang, G.| Vranckx, M.| Ockerman, A.| Baatout, S.| Belmans, N.| Moreels, M.| Hedesiu, M.| Virag, P.| Baciut, M.| Marcu, M.| Almasan, O.| Roman, R.| Barbur, I.| Dinu, C.| Rotaru, H.| Hurubeanu, L.| Istouan, V.| Lucaciu, O.| Leucuta, D.| Crisan, B.| Bogdan, L.| Candea, C.| Bran, S.| Baciut, G. Halve the dose while maintaining image quality in paediatric Cone Beam CT. 2019 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-41949-w
  1. Chiaoprakobkij, N.| Seetabhawang, S.| Sanchavanakit, N.| Phisalaphong, M. Fabrication and characterization of novel bacterial cellulose/alginate/gelatin biocomposite film. 2019 Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition: 961-982 DOI: 1080/09205063.2019.1613292
  2. Kaewsiri, D.| Panmekiate, S.| Subbalekha, K.| Mattheos, N.| Pimkhaokham, A. The accuracy of static vs. dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery in single tooth space: A randomized controlled trial. 2019 Clinical Oral Implants Research: 505-514 DOI: 1111/clr.13435
  3. Ferreira, J.N.| Hasan, R.| Urkasemsin, G.| Ng, K.K.| Adine, C.| Muthumariappan, S.| Souza, G.R.A magnetic three-dimensional levitated primary cell culture system for the development of secretory salivary gland-like organoids. 2019           Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine:          495-508       DOI: 10.1002/term.2809
  1. Tantilertanant, Y.| Niyompanich, J.| Everts, V.| Supaphol, P.| Pavasant, P.| Sanchavanakit, N. Cyclic tensile force stimulates BMP9 synthesis and in vitro mineralization by human periodontal ligament cells. 2019 Journal of Cellular Physiology: 4528-4539  DOI: 1002/jcp.27257
  2. Intarak, N.| Theerapanon, T.| Thaweesapphithak, S.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Genotype–phenotype correlation and expansion of orodental anomalies in LTBP3-related disorders. 2019 Molecular Genetics and Genomics: DOI: 1007/s00438-019-01547-x
  3. Porntaveetus, T.| Nowwarote, N.| Osathanon, T.| Theerapanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Boonprakong, L.| Sanon, K.| Srisawasdi, S.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Shotelersuk, V. Compromised alveolar bone cells in a patient with dentinogenesis imperfecta caused by DSPP mutation. 2019 Clinical Oral Investigations: 303-313 DOI: 1007/s00784-018-2437-7
  4. Chanomethaporn, A.| Chayasadom, A.| Wara-aswapati, N.| Kongwattanakul, K.| Suwannarong, W.| Tangwanichgapong, K.| Sumanonta, G.| Matangkasombut, O.| Dasanayake, A.P.| Pitiphat, W. Association between periodontitis and spontaneous abortion: A case-control study. 2019 Journal of Periodontolog: 381-390 DOI: 1002/JPER.18-0174
  5. Yaemkleebbua, K.| Osathanon, T.| Nowwarote, N.| Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Sukarawan, W. Analysis of hard tissue regeneration and Wnt signalling in dental pulp tissues after direct pulp capping with different materials. 2019      International Endodontic Journal: 1605-1616 DOI: 1111/iej.13162
  6. Sasanakul, P.| Ampornaramveth, R.S.| Chivatxaranukul, P. Influence of Adjuncts to Irrigation in the Disinfection of Large Root Canals. 2019 Journal of Endodontics: 332-337 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2018.11.015
  1. Panchamanon, P.| Pavasant, P.| Leethanakul, C. Periostin plays role in force-induced stem cell potential by periodontal ligament stem cells. 2019 Cell Biology International: 506-515 DOI: 10.1002/cbin.11116
  1. Arunyanak, S.P.| Sophon, N.| Tangsathian, T.| Supanimitkul, K.| Suwanwichit, T.| Kungsadalpipob, K. The effect of factors related to periodontal status toward peri-implantitis. 2019 Clinical Oral Implants Research: 791-799 DOI: 1111/clr.13461
  2. Budsamongkol, T.| Intarak, N.| Theerapanon, T.| Yodsanga, S.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. A novel mutation in COL1A2 leads to osteogenesis imperfecta/Ehlers-Danlos overlap syndrome with brachydactyly. 2019 Genes and Diseases: 138-146        DOI: 1016/j.gendis.2019.03.001
  3. Sriamporn, T.| Kraisintu, P.| See, L.P.| Swasdison, S.| Klaisiri, A.| Thamrongananskul, N. Effect of Different Neutralizing Agents on Feldspathic Porcelain Etched by Hydrofluoric Acid. 2019 European Journal of Dentistry: 75-81 DOI: 1055/s-0039-1688535
  4. Sukpaita, T.| Chirachanchai, S.| Suwattanachai, P.| Everts, V.| Pimkhaokham, A.| Ampornaramveth, R.S. In vivo bone regeneration induced by a Scaffold of chitosan/dicarboxylic acid seeded with human periodontal ligament cells. 2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences:                   DOI: 3390/ijms20194883
  5. Torrungruang, K.| Katudat, D.| Mahanonda, R.| Sritara, P.| Udomsak, A. Periodontitis is associated with elevated serum levels of cardiac biomarkers—Soluble ST2 and C-reactive protein. 2019 Journal of Clinical Periodontology:      809-818 DOI: 1111/jcpe.13149
  6. Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Sonntana, S.| Pajaree, L.| Kansurang, C.| Pitt, S.| Saowapa, T.| Prasit, P. Prolonged release of iloprost enhances pulpal blood flow and dentin bridge formation in a rat model of mechanical tooth pulp exposure. 2019 Journal of Oral Science: 73-81 DOI: 2334/josnusd.17-0368
  7. Urwannachotima, N.| Hanvoravongchai, P.| Ansah, J.P. Sugar-sweetened Beverage Tax and Potential Impact on Dental Caries in Thai Adults: An Evaluation Using the Group Model Building Approach. 2019 Systems Research and Behavioral Science: 87-99 DOI: 1002/sres.2546
  8. Tarapan, S.| Matangkasombut, O.| Trachootham, D.| Sattabanasuk, V.| Talungchit, S.| Paemuang, W.| Phonyiam, T.| Chokchaitam, O.| Mungkung, O.-O.| Lam-ubol, A. Oral Candida colonization in xerostomic postradiotherapy head and neck cancer patients. 2019 Oral Diseases: 1798-1808         DOI: 1111/odi.13151
  9. Nantavisai, S.| Egusa, H.| Osathanon, T.| Sawangmake, C. Mesenchymal stem cell-based bone tissue engineering for veterinary practice. 2019 Heliyon: DOI: 1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02808
  10. Osathanon, T.| Manokawinchoke, J.| Sa-Ard-Iam, N.| Mahanonda, R.| Pavasant, P.| Suwanwela, J. Jagged1 promotes mineralization in human bone-derived cells. 2019 Archives of Oral Biology:        134-140       DOI: 1016/j.archoralbio.2019.01.013
  11. Pauwels, R.| Horner, K.| Vassileva, J.| Rehani, M.M. Thyroid shielding in cone beam computed tomography: Recommendations towards appropriate use. 2019 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology: DOI: 1259/dmfr.20190014
  12. Brasil, D.M.| Pauwels, R.| Coucke, W.| Haiter-Neto, F.| Jacobs, R. Image quality optimization of narrow detector dental computed tomography for paediatric patient. 2019 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology: DOI: 1259/dmfr.20190032
  13. Brasil, D.M.| Pauwels, R.| Coucke, W.| Haiter-Neto, F.| Jacobs, R. Image quality optimization using a narrow vertical detector dental cone-beam CT. 2019 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology:                           DOI: 1259/dmfr.20180357
  14. Manokawinchoke, J.| Pavasant, P.| Sawangmake, C.| Limjeerajarus, N.| Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Egusa, H.| Osathanon, T. Intermittent compressive force promotes osteogenic differentiation in human periodontal ligament cells by regulating the transforming growth factor-β 2019 Cell Death and Disease: DOI: 10.1038/s41419-019-1992-4
  15. Lertpimonchai, A.| Rattanasiri, S.| Tamsailom, S.| Champaiboon, C.| Ingsathit, A.| Kitiyakara, C.| Limpianunchai, A.| Attia, J.| Sritara, P.| Thakkinstian, A. Periodontitis as the risk factor of chronic kidney disease: Mediation analysis. 2019 Journal of Clinical Periodontology: 631-639  DOI: 10.1111/jcpe.13114
  1. Teanphonkrang, S.| Ernst, A.| Janke, S.| Chaiyen, P.| Sucharitakul, J.| Suginta, W.| Khunkaewla, P.| Schuhmann, W.| Schulte, A.| Ruff, A. Amperometric Detection of the Urinary Disease Biomarker p-HPA by Allosteric Modulation of a Redox Polymer-Embedded Bacterial Reductase. 2019 ACS Sensors: 1270-1278 DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.9b00144
  1. Potewiratnanond, P.| Le Grand, S.M.| Srikiatkhachorn, A.| Supronsinchai, W. Altered activity in the nucleus raphe magnus underlies cortical hyperexcitability and facilitates trigeminal nociception in a rat model of medication overuse headache. 2019 BMC Neuroscience. DOI: 1186/s12868-019-0536-2
  2. Foosiri, P.| Changsiripun, C. Stability of anterior open bite in permanent dentition treated using extraction or non-extraction methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of each method: 2019 Orthodontic Waves: 1-10 DOI: 1016/j.odw.2018.10.003
  3. Bhongsatiern, P.| Manovilas, P.| Songvejkasem, M.| Songsiripradubboon, S.| Tharapiwattananon, T.| Techalertpaisarn, P.| Hamba, H.| Tagami, J.| Birkhed, D.| Trairatvorakul, C. Adjunctive use of fluoride rinsing and brush-on gel increased incipient caries-like lesion remineralization compared with fluoride toothpaste alone in situ. 2019 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica: 419-425 DOI: 10.1080/00016357.2019.1582796
  1. Rattanapisit, K.| Srifa, S.| Kaewpungsup, P.| Pavasant, P.| Phoolcharoen, W. Plant-produced recombinant Osteopontin-Fc fusion protein enhanced osteogenesis. 2019 Biotechnology Reports: DOI: 1016/j.btre.2019.e00312
  2. Laiteerapong, A.| Reichl, F.-X.| Hickel, R.| Högg, C. Effect of eluates from zirconia-modified glass ionomer cements on DNA double-stranded breaks in human gingival fibroblast cells. 2019 Dental Materials: 444-449 DOI: 1016/
  3. Damsongsang, P.| Chaikiawkeaw, D.| Phoolcharoen, W.| Rattanapisit, K.| Kaewpungsup, P.| Pavasant, P.| Hoven, V.P. Surface-immobilized plant-derived osteopontin as an effective platform to promote osteoblast adhesion and differentiation. 2019 Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces: 816-824 DOI: 1016/j.colsurfb.2018.10.032
  4. Sinthuwiwat, T.| Ittiwut, C.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Female-restricted syndromic intellectual disability in a patient from Thailand . 2019 American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A: 758-761 DOI: 1002/ajmg.a.61106
  5. Ahmad, A.R.| Kaewpungsup, P.| Khorattanakulchai, N.| Rattanapisit, K.| Pavasant, P.| Phoolcharoen, W. Recombinant human dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1)induces the osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells: 2019 Biotechnology Reports. DOI: 1016/j.btre.2019.e00348
  6. Seang, S.| Pavasant, P.| Everts, V.| Limjeerajarus, C.N. Prostacyclin Analog Promotes Human Dental Pulp Cell Migration via a Matrix Metalloproteinase 9–related Pathway. 2019 Journal of Endodontics: 873-881        DOI: 1016/j.joen.2019.03.020
  7. Trinh, H.A.| Dam, V.V.| Le, B.| Pittayapat, P.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Indirect Sinus Augmentation with and Without the Addition of a Biomaterial: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. 2019 Implant Dentistry: 571-577 DOI: 1097/ID.0000000000000941
  8. Ahmad, A.R.| Kaewpungsup, P.| Khorattanakulchai, N.| Rattanapisit, K.| Pavasant, P.| Phoolcharoen, W. Recombinant human dentin matrix protein 1 (HDMP1) expressed in nicotiana benthamiana potentially inducesosteogenic differentiation. 2019 Plants: DOI: 3390/plants8120566
  9. Mongkornkarn, S.| Suthasinekul, R.| Sritara, C.| Lertpimonchai, A.| Tamsailom, S.| Udomsak, A. Significant association between skeletal bone mineral density and moderate to severe periodontitis in fair oral hygiene individuals. 2019 Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry: DOI:  10.1111/jicd.12441
  1. Ritprajak, P.| Kaewraemruaen, C.| Hirankarn, N. Current Paradigms of Tolerogenic Dendritic Cells and Clinical Implications for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. 2019 Cells: DOI: 3390/cells8101291
  2. Noopan, S.| Unchui, P.| Techotinnakorn, S.| Ampornaramveth, R.S. Plasma Sterilization Effectively Reduces Bacterial Contamination in Dental Unit Waterlines. 2019 International Journal of Dentistry: DOI: 1155/2019/5720204
  3. Nguyen, T.T.| Vanichanon, P.| Bhalang, K.| Vongthongsri, S. Pain duration and intensity are related to coexisting pain and comorbidities present in temporomandibular disorder pain patients. 2019 Journal of Oral and Facial Pain and Headache: 205-212 DOI: 11607/ofph.2088
  4. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Subbalekha, K.| Sirintawat, N.| Auychai, P.| Klaisiri, A.| Neff, A. Intraoperative injection of combined fibrin sealant and methylene blue dye for surgery of branchial cleft cysts: A case report. 2019 Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 378-382 DOI: 10.1016/j.jormas.2019.02.013
  1. Sae-ung, P.| Wijitamornloet, A.| Iwasaki, Y.| Thanyasrisung, P.| Hoven, V.P. Clickable Zwitterionic Copolymer as a Universal Biofilm-Resistant Coating. 2019 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering: DOI: 1002/mame.201900286
  2. Suwattanachai, P.| Pimkhaokham, A.| Chirachanchai, S. Multi-functional carboxylic acids for chitosan scaffold. 2019 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: 156-164 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.04.074
  1. Meguro, F.| Porntaveetus, T.| Kawasaki, M.| Kawasaki, K.| Yamada, A.| Kakihara, Y.| Saeki, M.| Tabeta, K.| Kessler, J.A.| Maeda, T.| Ohazama, A. Bmp signaling in molar cusp formation. 2019 Gene Expression Patterns: 67-71 DOI: 1016/j.gep.2019.04.002
  2. Awarun, B.| Blok, J.| Pauwels, R.| Jacobs, R. Three-dimensional imaging methods to quantify soft and hard tissues change after cleft-related treatment during growth in patients with cleft lip and/or cleft palate: A systematic review. 2019 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology: DOI: 1259/dmfr.20180084
  3. Urkasemsin, G.| Ferreira, J.N. Unveiling Stem Cell Heterogeneity Toward the Development of Salivary Gland Regenerative Strategies. 2019 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology: 151-164            DOI: 1007/978-3-030-11096-3_9
  4. Chumnumwat, S.| Lu, Z.H.| Sukasem, C.| Winther, M.D.| Capule, F.R.| Hamid, A.A.A.| Bhandari, B.| Chaikledkaew, U.| Chanhom, N.| Chantarangsu, S.| Charoenyingwattana, A.| Hang, T.T.| Hlaing, T.M.| Htun, K.S.| Jittikoon, J.| Le, L.| Mahasirimongkol, S.| Mohamed Noor, D.A.| Shrestha, J.| Suwannoi, L.| Tragulpiankit, P.| Turongkaravee, S.| Wattanapokayakit, S.| Xangsayarath, P.| Yuliwulandari, R.| Zain, S.M.| Chantratita, W. Southeast Asian Pharmacogenomics Research Network (SEAPharm): Current Status and Perspectives. 2019 Public Health Genomics: 132-139              DOI: 1159/000502916
  5. Wattanasirmkit, K.| Charasseangpaisarn, T. Effect of different cleansing agents and adhesive resins on bond strength of contaminated zirconia. 2019 Journal of Prosthodontic Research: 271-276      DOI: 1016/j.jpor.2018.12.007
  6. Thongprasom, K. Challenges in using topical calcineurin inhibitors as a treatment for recalcitrant oral lichen planus. 2019 British Journal of Dermatology: DOI: 1111/bjd.18304
  7. Janyaphadungpong, R.| Serichetaphongse, P.| Pimkhaokham, A. A clinical resonance frequency analysis of implants placed at dehiscence-type defects with simultaneous guided bone regeneration during early healing. 2019 International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants: 772-777            DOI: 11607/jomi.6834
  8. Tantilertanant, Y.| Niyompanich, J.| Everts, V.| Supaphol, P.| Pavasant, P.| Sanchavanakit, N. Cyclic tensile force-upregulated IL6 increases MMP3 expression by human periodontal ligament cells. 2019 Archives of Oral Biology: DOI: 1016/j.archoralbio.2019.104495
  9. Sermsuti-Anuwat, N.| Pongpanich, S. Validation of Thai version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale: Validation among Thai adults with physical disabilities. 2019 Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry: DOI: 1111/jicd.12474
  10. Vipattanaporn, P.| Mattheos, N.| Pisarnturakit, P.| Pimkhaokham, A.| Subbalekha, K. Post-treatment patient-reported outcome measures in a group of Thai dental implant patients. 2019 Clinical Oral Implants Research: 928-939 DOI: 1111/clr.13500
  11. Muthumariappan, S.| Ng, W.C.| Adine, C.| Ng, K.K.| Davoodi, P.| Wang, C.-H.| Ferreira, J.N. Localized delivery of pilocarpine to hypofunctional salivary glands through electrospun nanofiber mats: An ex vivo and in vivo study. 2019 International Journal of Molecular Sciences: DOI: 10.3390/ijms20030541
  1. Detsomboonrat, P.| Pisarnturakit, P.P. Development and Evaluation: The Satisfaction of Using an Oral Health Survey Mobile Application. 2019 Telemedicine and e-Health: 55-59 DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2017.0288
  1. Urkasemsin, G.| Castillo, P.| Rungarunlert, S.| Klincumhom, N.| Ferreira, J.N. Strategies for developing functional secretory epithelia from porcine salivary gland explant outgrowth culture models. 2019 Biomolecules: DOI: 3390/biom9110657
  2. Mathurasai, W.| Thanyasrisung, P.| Sooampon, S.| Ayuthaya, B.I.N. Hydrogen peroxide masks the bitterness of chlorhexidine mouthwash without affecting its antibacterial activity. 2019 Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology: 119-123     DOI: 4103/jisp.jisp_414_18
  3. Pichaiaukrit, W.| Thamrongananskul, N.| Siralertmukul, K.| Swasdison, S. Fluoride varnish containing chitosan demonstrated sustained fluoride release. 2019 Dental Materials Journal: 1036-1042 DOI: 10.4012/dmj.2018-112
  1. Phattarataratip, E.| Kositkittiwanit, N.| Kajornkiatkul, P.| Yeunyong, P.| Ratanapitak, R. P120 catenin expression and its correlation with E-cadherin in salivary gland neoplasms. 2019 Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research: 57-62  DOI: 1016/j.jobcr.2018.09.005
  2. Potisomporn, P.| Sukarawan, W.| Sriarj, W. Oral health education improved oral health knowledge, attitudes, and plaque scores in Thai third-grade students: A randomised clinical trial. 2019 Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry: 525-531 DOI: 3290/j.ohpd.a43752
  3. Urwannachotima, N.| Hanvoravongchai, P.| Ansah, J.P.| Prasertsom, P. System dynamics analysis of dental caries status among Thai adults and elderly. 2019 Journal of Health Research: 134-146               DOI: 1108/JHR-05-2019-0097
  4. Suwanwela, J.| Hansamuit, K.| Manokawinchoke, J.| Sa-Ard-Iam, N.| Mahanonda, R.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T. Gene expression profiling of Jagged1-treated human periodontal ligament cells. 2019 Oral Diseases: 1203-1213 DOI: 1111/odi.13065
  5. Charoenpong, H.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Limjeerajarus, N.| Keawprachum, B.| Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Cheewinthamrongrod, V.| Palaga, T.| Lertchirakarn, V.| Ritprajak, P. Mechanical stress induced S100A7 expression in human dental pulp cells to augment osteoclast differentiation. 2019 Oral Diseases: 812-821 DOI: 1111/odi.13033
  6. Limpuangthip, N.| Somkotra, T.| Arksornnukit, M. Impacts of denture retention and stability on oral health-related quality of life, general health, and happiness in elderly thais. 2019 Current Gerontology and Geriatrics Research: DOI: 1155/2019/3830267
  7. Nowwarote, N.| Osathanon, T.| Kanjana, K.| Theerapanon, T.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Decreased osteogenic activity and mineralization of alveolar bone cells from a patient with amelogenesis imperfecta and FAM83H 1261G>T mutation. 2019 Genes and Diseases: 391-397  DOI: 1016/j.gendis.2019.07.005
  8. Assas, M.| Wiriyakijja, P.| Fedele, S.| Porter, S.| Ní Ríordáin, R. Measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures in radiotherapy-induced trismus. 2019 Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine: 351-357  DOI: 1111/jop.12834
  9. Petaibunlue, S.| Serichetaphongse, P.| Pimkhaokham, A. Influence of the anterior arch shape and root position on root angulation in the maxillary esthetic area. 2019 Imaging Science in Dentistry: 123-130 5624/isd.2019.49.2.123
  10. Suphatheerawatr, T.| Chamnannidiadha, N. Esthetic perception of facial profile contour in patients with different facial profiles. 2019 Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists:112-117      DOI: 1016/j.ejwf.2019.04.002
  11. Visitchanakun, P.| Saiworn, W.| Jongwattanapisan, P.| Leelahavanichkul, A.| Pisitkun, P.| Lotinun, S. Lupus-like Disease in FcγRIIB −/− Mice Induces Osteopenia: 2019 Scientific Report.              DOI: 1038/s41598-019-53963-z
  12. Sanon, K.| Sanchavanakit, N.| Srisawasdi, S. Grape Seed extract reduces active gelatinases using an Etch-and-Rinse mode universal adhesive. 2019 Journal of Adhesive Dentistry: 159-165         DOI: 3290/j.jad.a42306
  13. Sumphaongern, T.| Nilyam, P. Malignant hyperthermia in postpartum hemorrhagic shock: A case report. 2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand: 1132-1135.
  14. Angwarawong, T.| Kanjanamekanant, K.| Angwaravong, O.| Pavasant, P. Poly(ɛ-caprolactone) membranes coated with poly(4-styrenesulfonic acid-co-maleic acid)-sodium salt enhance osteogenic properties of pre-osteoblasts MC3T3-E1. 2019 ORAL and Implantology:15-27
  15. Manaspon, C.| Thaweesapphithak, S.| Osathanon, T.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. A novel de novo mutation substantiates KDF1 as a gene causing ectodermal dysplasia. 2019 British Journal of Dermatology: 419-420 DOI: 1111/bjd.18007
  16. Plengwitthaya, C.| Dhanuthai, K.| Chantarangsu, S.| Ratisoontorn, C. Cholesterol crystals in periapical lesions of root filled teeth. 2019 International Endodontic Journal: 484-490 DOI: 10.1111/iej.13030
  1. Apinun, J.| Chaisuparat, R.| Wangdee, C.| Kuptniratsaikul, S.| Jamkratoke, J.| Kanokpanont, S. Evaluation of bone regeneration using injectable surfactant-induced thai silk fibroin/collagen in situ- forming hydrogel in segmental bone defects in rats. 2019 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand        : 347-354
  2. Denmongkholchai, S.| Katare, P.| Choochuay, S.| Thanyasrisung, P.| Tsuruda, K.| Sugai, M.| Mongkolsuk, S.| Matangkasombut, O. Genome-wide identification of host genes required for toxicity of bacterial cytolethal distending toxin in a yeast model. 2019 Frontiers in Microbiology: DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.0089
  1. Manokawinchoke, J.| Pavasant, P.| Sawangmake, C.| Limjeerajarus, N.| Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Egusa, H.| Osathanon, T. RNA sequencing data of human periodontal ligament cells treated with continuous and intermittent compressive force. 2019 Data in Brief: DOI:            1016/j.dib.2019.104553
  2. Siridamrong, P.| Lumbikananda, N.| Swasdison, S.| Okhawilai, M.| Thamrongananskul, N. Effects of crosslinking agent and biological properties of silk fibroin/gelatin/ chitosan ternary system electrospun nanofiber mats. 2019 Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals: 34-44 DOI:14456/jmmm.2019.45
  3. Changsiripun, C.| Tokavanich, N.| Almeida, F.R.Orthodontic removable appliance with posterior bite plane use is not associated with developing sleep-disordered breathing symptoms in healthy children. 2019 Journal of Dentistry for Children: 145-149
  4. Limpuangthip, N.| Purnaveja, S.| Somkotra, T. Predisposing and enabling factors associated with public denture service utilization among older Thai people: A cross-sectional population-based study. 2019 BMC Oral: DOI: 1186/s12903-019-0923-1
  5. Tikkhanarak, K.| Wangboo, D.| Sookviboonpol, N.| Thongprasom, K. Correlation of clinicopathological characteristics and direct immunofluorescence studies in oral lichenoid lesion in Thai patients. 2019 Journal of investigative and clinical dentistry: DOI: 1111/jicd.12433
  6. Angwarawong, T.| Kanjanamekanant, K.| Arksornnukit, M.| Pavasant, P. Sol-Gel Fabricated Tio₂ Coating on Titanium Surface Promoted In Vitro Osteoblasts Differentiation. 2019 The European journal of prosthodontics and restorative dentistry:145-153 DOI: 10.1922/EJPRD_01919Angwarawong09
  1. Surintanasarn, A.| Thamrongananskul, N. Shear bond strength of resin cement to saliva-contaminated metal alloys after various surface treatments. 2019 Key Engineering Materials: 47-52 DOI: 4028/
  2. Boonumnuay, K.| Petdachai, S.| Chuenchompoonut, V. Influence of vertical skeletal pattern on cortical and alveolar bone thickness and root spacing in the anterior maxilla assessed by cone beam computed tomography. 2019 Orthodontic Waves: 63-73 DOI: 1016/j.odw.2019.04.004