Publication years


Data source: Scopus
Date last updated: 9 December 2020
Date exported: 19 December 2020

  1. Lauvahutanon, S.| Takahashi, H.| Shiozawa, M.| Iwasaki, N.| Asakawa, Y.| Oki, M.| Finger, W.J.| Arksornnukit, M. Mechanical properties of composite resin blocks for CAD/CAM. 2014      Dental Materials Journal: 705-710 DOI:4012/dmj.2014-208
  2. Sripetchdanond, J.| Leevailoj, C. Wear of human enamel opposing monolithic zirconia, glass ceramic, and composite resin: An in vitro study. 2014 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 1141-1150 DOI:1016/j.prosdent.2014.05.006
  3. Thadavirul, N.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Development of polycaprolactone porous scaffolds by combining solvent casting, particulate leaching, and polymer leaching techniques for bone tissue engineering. 2014 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A:   3379-3392 DOI:1002/jbm.a.35010
  4. Pauwels, R.| Silkosessak, O.| Jacobs, R.| Bogaerts, R.| Bosmans, H.| Panmekiate, S. A pragmatic approach to determine the optimal kVp in cone beam CT: Balancing contrast-to-noise ratio and radiation dose. 2014 Dentomaxillofacial Radiology: DOI:1259/dmfr.20140059
  5. Chantarawaratit, P.| Sangvanich, P.| Banlunara, W.| Soontornvipart, K.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Acemannan sponges stimulate alveolar bone, cementum and periodontal ligament regeneration in a canine class II furcation defect model. 2014 Journal of Periodontal Research: 164-178 DOI:1111/jre.12090
  6. Sucharitakul, J.| Tinikul, R.| Chaiyen, P. Mechanisms of reduced flavin transfer in the two-component flavin-dependent monooxygenases. 2014 Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics: 33-46 DOI:1016/
  7. Pauwels, R.| Zhang, G.| Theodorakou, C.| Walker, A.| Bosmans, H.| Jacobs, R.| Bogaerts, R.| Horner, K. Effective radiation dose and eye lens dose in dental cone beam CT: Effect of field of view and angle of rotation. 2014 British Journal of Radiology: DOI:1259/bjr.20130654
  8. Boonyagul, S.| Banlunara, W.| Sangvanich, P.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Effect of acemannan, an extracted polysaccharide from Aloe vera, on BMSCs proliferation, differentiation, extracellular matrix synthesis, mineralization, and bone formation in a tooth extraction model. 2014 Odontology: 310-317 DOI:1007/s10266-012-0101-2
  9. Wongnate, T.| Surawatanawong, P.| Visitsatthawong, S.| Sucharitakul, J.| Scrutton, N.S.| Chaiyen, P. Proton-coupled electron transfer and adduct configuration are important for C4a-hydroperoxyflavin formation and stabilization in a flavoenzyme. 2014 Journal of the American Chemical Society: 241-253 DOI:1021/ja4088055
  10. Kingkaew, J.| Kirdponpattara, S.| Sanchavanakit, N.| Pavasant, P.| Phisalaphong, M. Effect of molecular weight of chitosan on antimicrobial properties and tissue compatibility of chitosan-impregnated bacterial cellulose films. 2014 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:        534-544 DOI:1007/s12257-014-0081-x
  11. Pittayapat, P.| Bornstein, M.M.| Imada, T.S.N.| Coucke, W.| Lambrichts, I.| Jacobs, R. Accuracy of linear measurements using three imaging modalities: Two lateral cephalograms and one 3D model from CBCT data. 2014 European Journal of Orthodontics: 202-208 DOI:1093/ejo/cju036
  12. Srikiatkhachorn, A.| Le Grand, S.M.| Supornsilpchai, W.| Storer, R.J. Pathophysiology of medication overuse headache – An update. 2014  Headache: 204-210 DOI:1111/head.12224
  13. Pittayapat, P.| Limchaichana-Bolstad, N.| Willems, G.| Jacobs, R. Three-dimensional cephalometric analysis in orthodontics: A systematic review. 2014 Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research:69-91 DOI:1111/ocr.12034
  14. Sriamporn, T.| Thamrongananskul, N.| Busabok, C.| Poolthong, S.| Uo, M.| Tagami, J. Dental zirconia can be etched by hydrofluoric acid.  2014 Dental Materials Journal: 79-85 DOI:4012/dmj.2013-243
  15. Pauwels, R.| Cockmartin, L.| Ivanauskaité, D.| Urboniene, A.| Gavala, S.| Donta, C.| Tsiklakis, K.| Jacobs, R.| Bosmans, H.| Bogaerts, R.| Horner, K. Estimating cancer risk from dental cone-beam CT exposures based on skin dosimetry. 2014 Physics in Medicine and Biology: 3877-3891 DOI:1088/0031-9155/59/14/3877
  16. Saez, B.| Ferraro, F.| Yusuf, R.Z.| Cook, C.M.| Yu, V.W.C.| Pardo-Saganta, A.| Sykes, S.M.| Palchaudhuri, R.| Schajnovitz, A.| Lotinun, S.| Lymperi, S.| Mendez-Ferrer, S.| Del Toro, R.| Day, R.| Vasic, R.| Acharya, S.S.| Baron, R.| Lin, C.P.| Yamaguchi, Y.| Wagers, A.J.| Scadden, D.T. Inhibiting stromal cell heparan sulfate synthesis improves stem cell mobilization and enables engraftment without cytotoxic conditioning.    2014 Blood: 2937-2947 DOI:1182/blood-2014-08-593426
  17. Thanyasrisung, P.| Kesakomo, P.| Pipattanagovit, P.| Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.| Pitiphat, W.| Matangkasombut, O. Oral Candida carriage and immune status in Thai human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals. 2014 Journal of Medical Microbiology: 753-759 DOI:1099/jmm.0.069773-0
  18. Osathanon, T.| Sawangmake, C.| Nowwarote, N.| Pavasant, P. Neurogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells using different induction protocols. 2014 Oral Diseases: 352-358 DOI:1111/odi.12119
  19. Sukarawan, W.| Nowwarote, N.| Kerdpon, P.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T. Effect of basic fibroblast growth factor on pluripotent marker expression and colony forming unit capacity of stem cells isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. 2014 Odontology: 160-166 DOI:1007/s10266-013-0124-3
  20. Thadavirul, N.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Improvement of dual-leached polycaprolactone porous scaffolds by incorporating with hydroxyapatite for bone tissue regeneration. 2014 Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition: 1986-2008 DOI:1080/09205063.2014.966800
  21. Niwatcharoenchaikul, W.| Tumrasvin, W.| Arksornnukit, M. Effect of complete denture occlusal schemes on masticatory performance and maximum occlusal force. 2014 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 1337-1342 10.1016/prosdent.2014.06.003
  22. Songsiripradubboon, S.| Hamba, H.| Trairatvorakul, C.| Tagami, J. Sodium fluoride mouthrinse used twice daily increased incipient caries lesion remineralization in an in situ model . 2014 Journal of Dentistry: 271-278 DOI:1016/j.jdent.2013.12.012
  23. Phattarataratip, E.| Pholjaroen, C.| Tiranon, P. A clinicopathologic analysis of 207 cases of benign fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. 2014 International Journal of Surgical Pathology: 326-333 DOI:1177/1066896913511985
  24. Kanjanamekanant, K.| Luckprom, P.| Pavasant, P. P2X7 receptor-Pannexin1 interaction mediates stress-induced interleukin-1 beta expression in human periodontal ligament cells. 2014      Journal of Periodontal Research: 595-602 DOI:1111/jre.12139
  25. Sawangmake, C.| Nowwarote, N.| Pavasant, P.| Chansiripornchai, P.| Osathanon, T. A feasibility study of an in vitro differentiation potential toward insulin-producing cells by dental tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells. 2014 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications:581-587 DOI:1016/j.bbrc.2014.08.121
  26. Krisdapong, S.| Somkotra, T.| Kueakulpipat, W. Disparities in early childhood caries and its impact on oral health-related quality of life of preschool children. 2014 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health: 285-294 DOI:1177/1010539512438608
  27. Trairatvorakul, C.| Sastararuji, T. Indirect pulp treatment vs antibiotic sterilization of deep caries in mandibular primary molars. 2014 International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry: 23-31 DOI:1111/ipd.12022
  28. Kamonkhantikul, K.| Arksornnukit, M.| Takahashi, H.| Kanehira, M.| Finger, W.J. Polishing and toothbrushing alters the surface roughness and gloss of composite resins. 2014 Dental Materials Journal: 599-606 DOI:4012/dmj.2014-111
  29. Osathanon, T.| Chuenjitkuntaworn, B.| Nowwarote, N.| Supaphol, P.| Sastravaha, P.| Subbalekha, K.| Pavasant, P. The responses of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells on polycaprolactone-based scaffolds: An in vitro study. 2014 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: 239-246 DOI:1007/s13770-014-0015-x
  30. Leawhiran, N.| Pavasant, P.| Soontornvipart, K.| Supaphol, P. Gamma irradiation synthesis and characterization of AgNP/gelatin/PVA hydrogels for antibacterial wound dressings. 2014 Journal of Applied Polymer Science: DOI:1002/app.41138
  31. Krisdapong, S.| Prasertsom, P.| Rattanarangsima, K.| Sheiham, A. Associations between perceived needs for dental treatment, oral health-related quality of life and oral diseases in school-aged Thai children. 2014   Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology: 323-332 DOI:1111/cdoe.12092
  32. Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Osathanon, T.| Manokawinchoke, J.| Pavasant, P. Iloprost up-regulates vascular endothelial growth factor expression in human dental pulp cells in vitro and enhances pulpal blood flow in vivo. 2014 Journal of Endodontics: 925-930            DOI:1016/j.joen.2013.10.025
  33. Chenprakhon, P.| Trisrivirat, D.| Thotsaporn, K.| Sucharitakul, J.| Chaiyen, P. Control of C4a-hydroperoxyflavin protonation in the oxygenase component of p -hydroxyphenylacetate-3- 2014 Biochemistry: 4084-4086 DOI:10.1021/bi500480n
  34. Pauwels, R.| Jacobs, R.| Bosmans, H.| Pittayapat, P.| Kosalagood, P.| Silkosessak, O.| Panmekiate, S. Automated implant segmentation in cone-beam CT using edge detection and particle counting        . 2014 International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery: 733-743 DOI:1007/s11548-013-0946-z
  35. Yisarakun, W.| Supornsilpchai, W.| Chantong, C.| Srikiatkhachorn, A.| Maneesri-le Grand, S. Chronic paracetamol treatment increases alterations in cerebral vessels in cortical spreading depression model. 2014 Microvascular Research: 36-46 DOI:1016/j.mvr.2014.04.012
  36. Krisdapong, S.| Sheiham, A. Which aspects of an oral health-related quality of life measure are mainly associated with global ratings of oral health in children?. 2014 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology: 129-138 DOI:1111/cdoe.12061
  37. Srisook, T.| Vongsetskul, T.| Sucharitakul, J.| Chaiyen, P.| Tangboriboonrat, P. Immobilization of 3-hydroxybenzoate 6-hydroxylase onto functionalized electrospun polycaprolactone ultrafine fibers: A novel heterogeneous catalyst. 2014 Reactive and Functional Polymers: 41-46 DOI:1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.05.010
  38. Lai, L.P.| Lotinun, S.| Bouxsein, M.L.| Baron, R.| McMahon, A.P. Stk11 (Lkb1) deletion in the osteoblast lineage leads to high bone turnover, increased trabecular bone density and cortical porosity. 2014 Bone: 98-108 DOI:1016/j.bone.2014.09.010
  39. Sawangmake, C.| Pavasant, P.| Chansiripornchai, P.| Osathanon, T. High glucose condition suppresses neurosphere formation by human periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stem cells. 2014 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry: 928-939 DOI:1002/jcb.24735
  40. Borrirukwanit, K.| Pavasant, P.| Blick, T.| Lafleur, M.A.| Thompson, E.W. High threshold of β1 integrin inhibition required to block collagen I-induced membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) activation of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2). 2014 Cancer Cell International: DOI: 10.1186/s12935-014-0099-3
  1. Görbe, A.| Varga, Z.V.| Pálóczi, J.| Rungarunlert, S.| Klincumhom, N.| Pirity, M.K.| Madonna, R.| Eschenhagen, T.| Dinnyés, A.| Csont, T.| Ferdinandy, P. Cytoprotection by the NO-donor SNAP against ischemia/reoxygenation injury in mouse embryonic stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes. 2014 Molecular Biotechnology: 258-264 DOI: 1007/s12033-013-9704-2
  2. Pittayapat, P.| Willems, G.| Alqerban, A.| Coucke, W.| Ribeiro-Rotta, R.F.| Souza, P.C.| Westphalen, F.H.| Jacobs, R. Agreement between cone beam computed tomography images and panoramic radiographs for initial orthodontic evaluation. 2014 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology: 111-119            DOI:1016/j.oooo.2013.10.016
  3. Manokawinchoke, J.| Pimkhaokhum, A.| Everts, V.| Pavasant, P. Prostaglandin E2 inhibits in-vitro mineral deposition by human periodontal ligament cells via modulating the expression of TWIST1 and RUNX2. 2014 Journal of Periodontal Research: 777-784 DOI:1111/jre.12162
  4. kawasaki, M.| Porntaveetus, T.| Kawasaki, K.| Oommen, S.| Otsuka-Tanaka, Y.| Hishinuma, M.| Nomoto, T.| Maeda, T.| Takubo, K.| Suda, T.| Sharpe, P.T.| Ohazama, A. R-spondins/Lgrs expression in tooth development. 2014 Developmental Dynamics: 844-851 DOI:1002/dvdy.24124
  5. Champaiboon, C.| Poolgesorn, M.| Wisitrasameewong, W.| Sa-Ard-Iam, N.| Rerkyen, P.| Mahanonda, R. Differential inflammasome activation by Porphyromonas gingivalis and cholesterol crystals in human macrophages and coronary artery endothelial cells.            2014 Atherosclerosis: 38-44 DOI: 1016/j.atherosclerosis.2014.04.007
  6. Ittatirut, S.| Matangkasombut, O.| Thanyasrisung, P. In-office bleaching gel with 35% hydrogen peroxide enhanced biofilm formation of early colonizing streptococci on human enamel. 2014 Journal of Dentistry: 1480-1486 DOI:1016/j.jdent.2014.08.003
  7. Limjeerajarus, C.N.| Chanarattanubol, T.| Trongkij, P.| Rujiwanichkul, M.| Pavasant, P. Iloprost induces tertiary dentin formation. 2014 Journal of Endodontics:1784-1790 DOI:1016/j.joen.2014.07.002
  8. Panichpakdee, J.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Electrospinning of asiaticoside/2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex-loaded cellulose acetate fiber mats: Release characteristics and potential for use as wound dressing. 2014            Polymer (Korea): 338-350 DOI:7317/pk.2014.38.3.338
  9. Pichyangkul, S.| Krasaesub, S.| Jongkaewwattana, A.| Thitithanyanont, A.| Wiboon-ut, S.| Yongvanitchit, K.| Limsalakpetch, A.| Kum-Arb, U.| Mongkolsirichaikul, D.| Khemnu, N.| Mahanonda, R.| Garcia, J.-M.| Mason, C.J.| Walsh, D.S.| Saunders, D.L. Short report: Pre-existing cross-reactive antibodies to avian influenza H5N1 and 2009 pandemic H1N1 in US military personnel. 2014 American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene:         149-152       DOI:4269/ajtmh.13-0151
  10. Chounchaisithi, N.| Santiwong, B.| Sutthavong, S.| Asvanit, P. Use of a disclosed plaque visualization technique improved the self-performed, tooth brushing ability of primary schoolchildren. 2014 Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand: S88-S95
  11. Chaiyarit, P.| Klanrit, P.| Phothipakdee, P.| Subarnbhesaj, A.| Thongprasom, K.| Giraud, A.S. Trefoil factor expression by immunohistochemistry in patients with oral lichen planus. 2014 Asian Biomedicine: 743-749 DOI:5372/1905-7415.0806.352
  12. Klincumhom, N.| Tharasanit, T.| Thongkittidilok, C.| Tiptanavattana, N.| Rungarunlert, S.| Dinnyés, A.| Techakumphu, M. Selective TGF-β1/ALK inhibitor improves neuronal differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells. 2014 Neuroscience Letters: 1-6 DOI:1016/j.neulet.2014.06.001
  13. Cheetham, J.J.| Palamara, J.E.A.| Tyas, M.J.| Burrow, M.F.| Maneenut, C.| Sakoolnamarka, R. Evaluation of a new test method to determine the failure mode and macro-shear bond strength of dental materials to metals. 2014 Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology: 881-892 DOI: 10.1080/01694243.2013.871403
  1. Pausch, N.C.| Neff, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Sirintawat, N.| Vorakulpipat, C.| Pitak-Arnnop, P. Grand rounds: Eyelid swelling after nose blowing.     2014 American Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery: 456-459 DOI:1016/j.amjoto.2014.01.007
  2. Durão, A.R.| Bolstad, N.| Pittayapat, P.| Lambrichts, I.| Ferreira, A.P.| Jacobs, R. Accuracy and reliability of 2D cephalometric analysis in orthodontics. 2014 Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentaria e Cirurgia Maxilofacial: 135-141 DOI: 1016/j.rpemd.2014.05.003
  3. Sankuntaw, N.| Chantarangsu, S.| Chantratita, W.| Sungkanuparph, S.| Kiertiburanakul, S.| Lulitanond, V. Development of multiplex pyrosequencing for HLA-B*57:01 screening using single nucleotide polymorphism haplotype. 2014 Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics: 545-550 DOI: 1111/jcpt.12175
  4. Udomlertpreecha, S.| Pavasant, P.| Lohwongwatana, B. Surface modification of titanium alloys using alumina particles blasting for biomedical applications . 2014 Advanced Materials Research: 135-140 DOI: 4028/
  5. Thongprasom, K.| Sessririsombat, S.| Singkharotai, K.| Vathanasanti, A.| Subbalek, K. Topical steroids and CO2 laser in the treatment of refractory oral lichenoid drug reaction and lichenoid contact lesion: A case report. 2014     Acta Stomatologica Croatica: 224-229 DOI: 15644/asc48/3/7
  6. Vivatbutsiri, P.| Nowwarote, N.| Sawangmake, C.| Chareonvit, S.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T. Characterization of femur, mandible and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells from streptozotocin-injected mice. 2014 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine: 477-486
  7. Chankoa, R.| Kreua-Ongarjnukool, N.| Supaphol, P.| Pavasant, P. Porous poly(Ethylene oxide) / poly(L-lactic acid) fiber fabricated via coaxial electrospinning: Potential as biomedical applications. 2014 Chiang Mai Journal of Science: 1301-1316
  8. Pintavirooj, P.| Sumetcherngpratya, R.| Chaiwat, A.| Changsiripun, C. Relationship between mentalis muscle hyperactivity and mandibular symphysis morphology in skeletal Class I and II patients. 2014 Orthodontic Waves: 130-135 DOI: 1016/j.odw.2014.09.006
  9. Whangdee, P.| Sriprasertsuk, S.| Srimaneepong, V.| Kashima, D.P. Surface characteristics and hydrophilicity of the as-anodized films formed at high current density on Ti-6Al-4V in different electrolytes. 2014 Key Engineering Materials: 274-279 DOI:4028/
  10. Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Giachelli, C. Notch signaling biomaterials and tissue regeneration        . 2014 Tissue and Organ Regeneration: Advances in Micro- and Nanotechnology: 535-563            DOI: 4032/9789814411684
  11. Moysich, H.| Neff, A.| Dhanuthai, K.| Pausch, N.C.| Himpel, M.| Pitak-Arnnop, P. Bilateral radiolucent lesions of the jaw in a generalized periodontitis patient. 2014 Revue de Stomatologie, de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale et de Chirurgie Orale: e13-e16 DOI: 1016/j.revsto.2013.09.007
  12. Boonyagul, S.| Thunyakitpisal, P.| Tachaboonyakiat, W. Physical properties and biocompatibility of acemannan scaffold for biomedical applications. 2014 BMEiCON 2014 – 7th Biomedical Engineering International Conference: DOI: 1109/BMEiCON.2014.7017380
  13. Eutrirak, P.| Srimaneepong, V.| Saengkiettiyut, K. Corrosion behavior of soldered and laser-welded Ni-free Co-Cr alloy joints in sodium chloride solution. 2014 Advanced Materials Research: 93-96 DOI: 4028/