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Data source: Scopus
Date last updated: 9 December 2020
Date exported: 19 December 2020

  1. Bassir, S.H.| Wisitrasameewong, W.| Raanan, J.| Ghaffarigarakani, S.| Chung, J.| Freire, M.| Andrada, L.C.| Intini, G. Potential for Stem Cell-Based Periodontal Therapy. 2016 Journal of Cellular Physiology: 50-61 DOI:1002/jcp.25067
  2. Chuenjitkuntaworn, B.| Osathanon, T.| Nowwarote, N.| Supaphol, P.| Pavasant, P. The efficacy of polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite scaffold in combination with mesenchymal stem cells for bone tissue engineering. 2016 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research – Part A: 264-271 DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.35558
  1. Irwandi, R.A.| Vacharaksa, A. The role of microRNA in periodontal tissue: A review of the literature. 2016 Archives of Oral Biology: 66-74 DOI:1016/j.archoralbio.2016.08.014
  2. Terajima, M.| Taga, Y.| Chen, Y.| Cabral, W.A.| Hou-Fu, G.| Srisawasdi, S.| Nagasawa, M.| Sumida, N.| Hattori, S.| Kurie, J.M.| Marini, J.C.| Yamauchi, M. Cyclophilin-B modulates collagen cross-linking by differentially affecting lysine hydroxylation in the helical and telopeptidyl domains of tendon type I collagen. 2016 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 9501-9512 DOI:1074/jbc.M115.699470
  3. Greenblatt, M.B.| Shina, D.Y.| Oh, H.| Lee, K.-Y.| Zhai, B.| Gygi, S.P.| Lotinun, S.| Baron, R.| Liu, D.| Su, B.| Glimcher, L.H.| Shim, J.-H. MEKK2 mediates an alternative β-catenin pathway that promotes bone formation. 2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: E1226-E1235 DOI:1073/pnas.1600813113
  4. Silthampitag, P.| Chaijareenont, P.| Tattakorn, K.| Banjongprasert, C.| Takahashi, H.| Arksornnukit, M. Effect of surface pretreatments on resin composite bonding to PEEK. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 668-674      DOI:4012/dmj.2015-349
  5. Mahanonda, R.| Champaiboon, C.| Subbalekha, K.| Sa-Ard-Iam, N.| Rattanathammatada, W.| Thawanaphong, S.| Rerkyen, P.| Yoshimura, F.| Nagano, K.| Lang, N.P.| Pichyangku, S. Human memory b cells in healthy gingiva, gingivitis, and periodontitis . 2016 Journal of Immunology:715-725 DOI:4049/jimmunol.1600540
  6. Tompkins, K.A. The osteoimmunology of alveolar bone loss. 2016 Connective Tissue Research: 69-90 DOI:10.3109/03008207.2016.1140152
  1. Chantarangsu, S.| Sura, T.| Mongkornkarn, S.| Donsakul, K.| Torrungruang, K. Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and smoking in the risk of chronic periodontitis. 2016 Journal of Periodontology: 1343-1351 DOI:1902/jop.2016.160222
  2. Huynh, N.C.-N.| Everts, V.| Pavasant, P.| Ampornaramveth, R.S. Inhibition of Histone Deacetylases Enhances the Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. 2016 Journal of Cellular Biochemistry: 1384-1395 DOI:1002/jcb.25429
  3. Pauwels, R.| Jacobs, R.| Bogaerts, R.| Bosmans, H.| Panmekiate, S. Reduction of scatter-induced image noise in cone beam computed tomography: Effect of field of view size and position. 2016              Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology: 188-195 DOI:1016/j.oooo.2015.10.017
  4. Ohyama, Y.| Lin, J.-H.| Govitvattana, N.| Lin, I.-P.| Venkitapathi, S.| Alamoudi, A.| Husein, D.| An, C.| Hotta, H.| Kaku, M.| Mochida, Y. FAM20A binds to and regulates FAM20C localization. 2016 Scientific Reports     : DOI:1038/srep27784
  5. Movila, A.| Ishii, T.| Albassam, A.| Wisitrasameewong, W.| Howait, M.| Yamaguchi, T.| Ruiz-Torruella, M.| Bahammam, L.| Nishimura, K.| Van Dyke, T.| Kawai, T. Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) Supports Homing of Osteoclast Precursors to Peripheral Osteolytic Lesions. 2016 Journal of Bone and Mineral Research: 1688-1700 DOI:1002/jbmr.2854
  6. Scully, C.| Miller, C.S.| Aguirre Urizar, J.-M.| Alajbeg, I.| Almeida, O.P.D.| Bagan, J.V.| Birek, C.| Chen, Q.| Farah, C.S.| Figueirido, J.P.| Hasséus, B.| Jontell, M.| Kerr, A.R.| Laskaris, G.| Lo Muzio, L.| Mosqueda-Taylor, A.| Nagesh, K.S.| Nikitakis, N.G.| Peterson, D.| Sciubba, J.| Thongprasom, K.| Tovaru, Ş.| Zadik, Y. Oral medicine (stomatology) across the globe: Birth, growth, and future. 2016 Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology: 149-157.e5 DOI:1016/j.oooo.2015.10.009
  7. Manokawinchoke, J.| Sumrejkanchanakij, P.| Subbalekha, K.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T. Jagged1 inhibits osteoprotegerin expression by human periodontal ligament cells. 2016 Journal of Periodontal Research: 789-799 DOI:1111/jre.12357
  8. Thotsaporn, K.| Tinikul, R.| Maenpuen, S.| Phonbuppha, J.| Watthaisong, P.| Chenprakhon, P.| Chaiyen, P. Enzymes in the p-hydroxyphenylacetate degradation pathway of Acinetobacter baumannii. 2016 Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic: 353-366 DOI:1016/j.molcatb.2016.09.003
  9. Kamonkhantikul, K.| Arksornnukit, M.| Lauvahutanon, S.| Takahashi, H. Toothbrushing alters the surface roughness and gloss of composite resin CAD/CAM blocks. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 225-232 DOI:4012/dmj.2015-228
  10. Osathanon, T.| Nowwarote, N.| Pavasant, P. Expression and influence of Notch signalling in oral squamous cell carcinoma. 2016 Journal of Oral Science: 283-294 DOI:2334/josnusd.15-0535
  11. Somsak, K.| Kaewplung, O. The effects of the number of natural teeth and posterior occluding pairs on the oral health-related quality of life in elderly dental patients. 2016 Gerodontology:    52-60 DOI:1111/ger.12112
  12. Sukarawan, W.| Peetiakarawach, K.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T. Effect of Jagged-1 and Dll-1 on osteogenic differentiation by stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. 2016 Archives of Oral Biology: 1-8         DOI:1016/j.archoralbio.2016.01.010
  13. Huynh, N.C.-N.| Everts, V.| Leethanakul, C.| Pavasant, P.| Ampornaramveth, R.S. Rinsing with saline promotes human gingival fibroblast wound healing in vitro. 2016 PLoS ONE: DOI:1371/journal.pone.0159843
  14. Maetevorakul, S.| Viteporn, S. Factors influencing soft tissue profile changes following orthodontic treatment in patients with class ii division 1 2016 Progress in Orthodontics: DOI: 10.1186/s40510-016-0125-1
  1. Pausch, N.C.| Sirintawat, N.| Wagner, R.| Halama, D.| Dhanuthai, K. Lower eyelid complications associated with transconjunctival versus subciliary approaches to orbital floor fractures. 2016 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 51-55 DOI:10.1007/s10006-015-0526-1
  1. Widmann, G.| Bischel, A.| Stratis, A.| Kakar, A.| Bosmans, H.| Jacobs, R.| Gassner, E.-M.| Puelacher, W.| Pauwels, R. Ultralow dose dentomaxillofacial CT imaging and iterative reconstruction techniques: Variability of Hounsfield units and contrast-to-noise ratio. 2016 British Journal of Radiology: DOI:1259/bjr.20151055
  2. Hiran-us, S.| Pimkhaokham, S.| Sawasdichai, J.| Ebihara, A.| Suda, H. Shaping ability of ProTaper NEXT, ProTaper Universal and iRace files in simulated S-shaped canals. 2016 Australian Endodontic Journal:      32-36 10.1111/12117
  3. Thanaratikul, B.| Santiwong, B.| Harnirattisai, C. Self-etch or etch-and-rinse mode did not affect the microshear bond strength of a universal adhesive to primary dentin. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 174-179 DOI:4012/dmj.2015-109
  4. Dhanuthai, K.| Rojanawatsirivej, S.| Somkotra, T.| Shin, H.-I.| Hong, S.-P.| Darling, M.| Ledderhof, N.| Khalili, M.| Thosaporn, W.| Rattana-arpha, P.| Saku, T. Geriatric oral lesions: A multicentric study. 2016 Geriatrics and Gerontology International: 237-243 DOI:1111/ggi.12458
  5. Aguilar, P.| Lertchirakarn, V. Comparison of stem cell behaviors between indigenous high and low-CD24 percentage expressing cells of stem cells from apical papilla (SCAPs). 2016 Tissue and Cell: 397-406 DOI:1016/j.tice.2016.08.008
  6. Pladisai, P.| Ampornaramveth, R.S.| Chivatxaranukul, P. Effectiveness of different disinfection protocols on the reduction of bacteria in Enterococcus faecalis biofilm in teeth with large root canals. 2016 Journal of Endodontics: 460-464 DOI:1016/j.joen.2015.12.016
  7. Matsuda, S.| Movila, A.| Suzuki, M.| Kajiya, M.| Wisitrasameewong, W.| Kayal, R.| Hirshfeld, J.| Al-dharrab, A.| Savitri, I.J.| Mira, A.| Kurihara, H.| Taubman, M.A.| Kawai, T. A novel method of sampling gingival crevicular fluid from a mouse model of periodontitis. 2016 Journal of Immunological Methods: 21-25        DOI:1016/j.jim.2016.08.008
  8. Lotinun, S.| Krishnamra, N. Disruption of c-Kit Signaling in KitW-sh/W-sh Growing Mice Increases Bone Turnover. 2016 Scientific Reports: 1038/srep31515
  9. Songsiripradubboon, S.| Banlunara, W.| Sangvanich, P.| Trairatvorakul, C.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Clinical, radiographic, and histologic analysis of the effects of acemannan used in direct pulp capping of human primary teeth: short-term outcomes. 2016 Odontology: 329-337 DOI:1007/s10266-015-0215-4
  10. Phattarataratip, E.| Sappayatosok, K. Expression of claudin-5, claudin-7 and occludin in oral squamous cell carcinoma and their clinico-pathological significance. 2016 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry: e299-e306        DOI:4317/jced.52801
  11. Chaisuparat, R.| Limpiwatana, S.| Kongpanitkul, S.| Yodsanga, S.| Jham, B.C. The Akt/mTOR pathway is activated in verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity. 2016 Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine: 581-585 10.1111/12422
  12. Rattanawarawipa, P.| Pavasant, P.| Osathanon, T.| Sukarawan, W. Effect of lithium chloride on cell proliferation and osteogenic differentiation in stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. 2016 Tissue and Cell: 425-431 DOI:1016/j.tice.2016.08.005
  13. Nedumpun, T.| Ritprajak, P.| Suradhat, S. Generation of potent porcine monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs) by modified culture protocol. 2016 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 63-68 DOI:1016/j.vetimm.2016.10.002
  14. Techalertpaisarn, P.| Versluis, A. T-loop force system with and without vertical step using finite element analysis. 2016 Angle Orthodontist: 372-379 2319/032515-197.1
  15. Yaembut, N.| Ampornaramveth, R.S.| Pisarnturakit, P.P.| Subbalekha, K. Dental Student Hand Hygiene Decreased with Increased Clinical Experience. 2016 Journal of Surgical Education:400-408 DOI:1016/j.jsurg.2015.12.007
  16. Pheenithicharoenkul, S.| Panichuttra, A. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate increased the push out bond strength of an epoxy resin sealer to root dentin. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 888-892 DOI:4012/dmj.2016-137
  17. Jansisyanont, P.| Tiyapongprapan, S.| Chuenchompoonut, V.| Sangvanich, P.| Thunyakitpisal, P.The effect of acemannan sponges in post-extraction socket healing: A randomized trial. 2016 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology: 105-110 DOI:10.1016/j.ajoms.2015.07.006
  1. Nantanee, R.| Santiwong, B.| Trairatvorakul, C.| Hamba, H.| Tagami, J. Silver diamine fluoride and glass ionomer differentially remineralize early caries lesions, in situ. 2016 Clinical Oral Investigations: 1151-1157 DOI:1007/s00784-015-1603-4
  2. Osathanon, T.| Sawangmake, C.| Ruangchainicom, N.| Wutikornwipak, P.| Kantukiti, P.| Nowwarote, N.| Pavasant, P. Surface properties and early murine pre-osteoblastic cell responses of phosphoric acid modified titanium surface. 2016 Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research: 3-10 DOI:1016/j.jobcr.2015.12.005
  3. Panichpakdee, J.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Electrospun cellulose acetate fiber mats containing emodin with potential for use as wound dressing. 2016 Chiang Mai Journal of Science: 195-205 –
  4. Phattarataratip, E.| Masorn, M.| Jarupoonphol, W.| Supatthanayut, S.| Saeoweiang, P. Differential expression of epithelial cell adhesion molecule in salivary gland neoplasms. 2016 Annals of Diagnostic Pathology: 62-67 DOI:1016/j.anndiagpath.2016.05.007
  5. Pausch, N.C.| Unger, C.| Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Subbalekha, K. Nasal appearance after secondary cleft rhinoplasty: comparison of professional rating with patient satisfaction. 2016 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 195-201 DOI:1007/s10006-016-0555-4
  6. Phondeechareon, T.| Wattanapanitch, M.| U-pratya, Y.| Damkham, C.| Klincumhom, N.| Lorthongpanich, C.| Kheolamai, P.| Laowtammathron, C.| Issaragrisil, S. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells as a potential source of hematopoietic stem cells for transplant in PNH patients. 2016 Annals of Hematology: 1617-1625 DOI:1007/s00277-016-2756-1
  7. Charasseangpaisarn, T.| Wiwatwarrapan, C.| Leklerssiriwong, N. Ultrasonic cleaning reduces the residual monomer in acrylic resins. 2016 Journal of Dental Sciences: 443-448 DOI:1016/j.jds.2016.07.003
  8. Manokawinchoke, J.| Ritprajak, P.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P. Estradiol induces osteoprotegerin expression by human dental pulp cells. 2016 Odontology: 10-18 DOI:1007/s10266-014-0178-x
  9. Kantaputra, P.N.| Intachai, W.| Auychai, P. All enamel is not created equal: Supports from a novel FAM83H mutation. 2016    American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A: 273-276 DOI:1002/ajmg.a.37406
  10. Thongprasom, K. Glycerin borax treatment of exfoliative cheilitis induced by sodium lauryl sulfate: A case report. 2016 Acta Stomatologica Croatica: 158-161 10.15644/asc50/2/9
  11. Siridamrong, P.| Phrotjanatharee, P.| Thamrongananskul, N. Chemical crosslinking of silk fibroin, chitosan, and gelatin blend nanofiber mats.   2016 Key Engineering Materials: 273-277 DOI:4028/
  12. Osathananda, R.| Wiwatwarrapan, C. Surface treatment with methyl formate-methyl acetate increased the shear bond strength between reline resins and denture base resin. 2016 Gerodontology: 147-154 DOI:1111/ger.12120
  13. Manokawinchoke, J.| Osathanon, T.| Egusa, H.| Pavasant, P. Hypoxia enhances osteogenic differentiation in retinoic acid-treated murine-induced pluripotent stem cells. 2016 Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: 547-553 DOI:1007/s13770-016-9127-9
  14. Sawangmake, C.| Nantavisai, S.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P. Osteogenic differentiation potential of canine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells under different β-glycerophosphate concentrations in vitro. 2016 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine: 617-625
  15. Suksang, S.| Pimkhaokham, A. Evaluation of oral health related quality of life in patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. 2016 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology. 488-492 DOI:10.1016/j.ajoms.2016.06.002
  1. Dhanuthai, K.| Rojanawatsirivej, S.| Subarnbhesaj, A.| Thosaporn, W.| Kintarak, S. A multicenter study of oral malignant tumors from Thailand. 2016 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology: 462-466 DOI:10.4103/0973-029X.190949
  1. Thongprasom, K.| Prapinjumrune, C.| Kanjanabuch, P.| Youngnak-Piboonratanakit, P.| Preuksrisakul, T. Correlation of serum ANA and direct immunofluorescence studies in elderly Thai patients with red and white oral lesions. 2016 Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine:           797-802 DOI:1111/jop.12444
  2. Burimsittichai, R.| Limraksasin, P.| Hurst, C.P.| Charuluxananan, S. Comparison of intravenous tramadol and ketamine for prevention of catheter-related bladder discomfort after laparoscopic surgery: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. 2016 Asian Biomedicine:253-260 DOI:5372/1905-7415.1003.488
  3. Nakornchai, N.| Arksornnukit, M.| Kamonkhantikul, K.| Takahashi, H. The pH effect of solvent in silanization on fluoride released and mechanical properties of heat-cured acrylic resin containing fluoride-releasing filler. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 440-446 DOI:4012/dmj.2015-403
  4. Pumklin, J.| Bhalang, K.| Pavasant, P. Hypoxia enhances the effect of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated IL-1β expression in human periodontal ligament cells. 2016 Odontology: 338-346 DOI:1007/s10266-015-0223-4
  5. Yamockul, S.| Thamrongananskul, N.| Poolthong, S. Comparison of the surface roughness of feldspathic porcelain polished with a novel alumina-zirconia paste or diamond paste. 2016 Dental Materials Journal: 379-385 DOI:4012/dmj.2015-225
  6. Thongprasom, K. Treatment of a pregnant patient with herpes associated erythema multiforme (HAEM): A case report. 2016 Acta Stomatologica Croatica: 265-268 DOI:15644/asc50/3/10
  7. Manokawinchoke, J.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P. Regulation of osteoprotegerin expression by Notch signaling in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line. 2016 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine: 692-697 DOI:1016/j.apjtb.2016.06.012
  8. Detsomboonrat, P.| Trairatvorakul, C.| Pisarnturakit, P.P. Similar 1-year caries increment after use of fluoride or non-fluoride toothpaste in infants and toddlers. 2016 Fluoride: 313-326
  9. Bumrungruan, C.| Sakoolnamarka, R. Microshear bond strength to dentin of self-adhesive flowable composite compared with total-etch and all-in-one adhesives. 2016 Journal of Dental Sciences: 449-456 DOI:10.1016/j.jds.2016.08.003
  1. Rattanawiboon, C.| Chaweewannakorn, C.| Saisakphong, T.| Kasevayuth, K.| Trairatvorakul, C. Effective fluoride mouthwash delivery methods as an alternative to rinsing. 2016 Nursing Research: 68-75 DOI:1097/NNR.0000000000000131
  2. Banlunara, W.| Songsiripadapboon, S.| Jiemsirilers, S.| Saravari, O.| Kashima, D.P.| Thunyakitpisal, N.| Brikshavana, P.| Srisuwan, P.| Rupunt, T.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Pulp-dentin complex response to RU-HBM1, a novel resin modified glass ionomer cement prototype, in deep cavity preparation of porcine teeth. 2016 Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine: 185-193