Publication years


Data source: Scopus

  1. Wang, L.| You, X.| Lotinun, S.| Zhang, L.| Wu, N.| Zou, W. Mechanical sensing protein PIEZO1 regulates bone homeostasis via osteoblast-osteoclast crosstalk. 2020 Nature Communications: DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-14146-6.
  2. Namangkalakul, W.| Benjavongkulchai, S.| Pochana, T.| Promchai, A.| Satitviboon, W.| Howattanapanich, S.| Phuprasong, R.| Ungvijanpunya, N.| Supakanjanakanti, D.| Chaitrakoonthong, T.| Muangsawat, S.| Thanyasrisung, P.| Matangkasombut, O. Activity of chitosan antifungal denture adhesive against common Candida species and Candida albicans adherence on denture base acrylic resin. 2020 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 181-181.e7 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2019.09.026
  3. Klinthoopthamrong, N.| Chaikiawkeaw, D.| Phoolcharoen, W.| Rattanapisit, K.| Kaewpungsup, P.| Pavasant, P.| Hoven, V.P. Bacterial cellulose membrane conjugated with plant-derived osteopontin: Preparation and its potential for bone tissue regeneration. 2020 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: 51-59 DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2020.01.158
  4. Wiriyakijja, P.| Porter, S.| Fedele, S.| Hodgson, T.| McMillan, R.| Shephard, M.| Ni Riordain, R. Validation of the HADS and PSS-10 and psychological status in patients with oral lichen planus. 2020 Oral Diseases: 96-110 DOI: 1111/odi.13220
  5. Vu, C.T.B.| Thammahong, A.| Yagita, H.| Azuma, M.| Hirankarn, N.| Ritprajak, P.| Leelahavanichkul, A. Blockade of PD-1 Attenuated Postsepsis Aspergillosis Via the Activation of IFN-γ and the Dampening of IL-10. 2020 Shock: 514-524  DOI: 10.1097/SHK.0000000000001392
  6. Limraksasin, P.| Kondo, T.| Zhang, M.| Okawa, H.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Egusa, H. In vitro fabrication of hybrid bone/cartilage complex using mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. 2020 International Journal of Molecular Sciences: DOI: 10.3390/ijms21020581
  7. Kiatkroekkrai, P.| Takolpuckdee, C.| Subbalekha, K.| Mattheos, N.| Pimkhaokham, A. Accuracy of implant position when placed using static computer-assisted implant surgical guides manufactured with two different optical scanning techniques: a randomized clinical trial. 2020 International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 377-383 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2019.08.019
  8. Rokaya, D.| Srimaneepong, V.| Wisitrasameewon, W.| Humagain, M.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Peri-implantitis update: Risk indicators, diagnosis, and treatment. 2020 European Journal of Dentistry: 672-682 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1715779
  9. Chen, C.-S.| Chang, J.-H.| Srimaneepong, V.| Wen, J.-Y.| Tung, O.-H.| Yang, C.-H.| Lin, H.-C.| Lee, T.-H.| Han, Y.| Huang, H.-H. Improving the in vitro cell differentiation and in vivo osseointegration of titanium dental implant through oxygen plasma immersion ion implantation treatment. 2020 Surface and Coatings Technology: DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2020.126125
  10. John, M.T.| Sekulić, S.| Bekes, K.| Al-Harthy, M.H.| Michelotti, A.| Reissmann, D.R.| Nikolovska, J.| Sanivarapu, S.| Lawal, F.B.| List, T.| Peršić Kiršić, S.| Strajnić, L.| Casassus, R.| Baba, K.| Schimmel, M.| Amuasi, A.| Jayasinghe, R.D.| Strujić-Porović, S.| Peck, C.C.| Xie, H.| Haugaard Bendixen, K.| Simancas Pallares, M.A.| Perez-Franco, E.| Naghibi Sistani, M.M.| Valerio, P.| Letunova, N.| M. Nurelhuda, N.| Bartlett, D.W.| Oluwafemi, I.A.| Dghoughi, S.| Ferreira, J.N.A.R.| Chantaracherd, P.| Rener-Sitar, K. Why Patients Visit Dentists – A Study in all World Health Organization Regions. 2020 Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice: DOI: 10.1016/j.jebdp.2020.101459
  11. Wiriyakijja, P.| Porter, S.| Fedele, S.| Hodgson, T.| McMillan, R.| Shephard, M.| Ni Riordain, R. Development and validation of a short version of Chronic Oral Mucosal Disease Questionnaire (COMDQ-15). 2020 Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine: 55-62 DOI: 10.1111/jop.12964
  12. Kornsuthisopon, C.| Pirarat, N.| Osathanon, T.| Kalpravidh, C. Autologous platelet-rich fibrin stimulates canine periodontal regeneration. 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-58732-x
  13. Chanpum, P.| Duangthip, D.| Trairatvorakul, C.| Songsiripradubboon, S. Early childhood caries and its associated factors among 9-to 18-month old exclusively breastfed children in thailand: A cross-sectional study. 2020 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17093194
  14. Wiriyakijja, P.| Porter, S.| Fedele, S.| Hodgson, T.| McMillan, R.| Shephard, M.| Ni Riordain, R. Validation of the HADS and PSS-10 and a cross-sectional study of psychological status in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis. 2020 Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine: 260-270 DOI: 10.1111/jop.12991
  15. Wiriyakijja, P.| Porter, S.| Fedele, S.| Hodgson, T.| McMillan, R.| Shephard, M.| Ni Riordain, R. Meaningful improvement thresholds in measures of pain and quality of life in oral lichen planus. 2020 Oral Diseases: 1464-1473 DOI: 10.1111/odi.13379
  16. Hansamuit, K.| Osathanon, T.| Suwanwela, J. Effect of Jagged1 on the expression of genes in regulation of osteoblast differentiation and bone mineralization ontology in human dental pulp and periodontal ligament cells. 2020 Journal of Oral Biology and Craniofacial Research: 233-237 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2019.12.003
  17. Limraksasin, P.| Okawa, H.| Zhang, M.| Kondo, T.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Egusa, H. Size-Optimized Microspace Culture Facilitates Differentiation of Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells into Osteoid-Rich Bone Constructs. 2020 Stem Cells International: DOI: 10.1155/2020/7082679
  18. Pisarnturakit, P.P.| Sooampon, S.| Sooampon, S. Managing knowledge for health care quality: An investigation of rational antibiotic use among Thai dentists. 2020 International Journal of Health Planning and Management: 606-613 DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2971
  19. Pitsawong, W.| Chenprakhon, P.| Dhammaraj, T.| Medhanavyn, D.| Sucharitakul, J.| Tongsook, C.| van Berkel, W.J.H.| Chaiyen, P.| Miller, A.-F.| Banerjee, R. Tuning of pKa values activates substrates in flavin-dependent aromatic hydroxylases. 2020 Journal of Biological Chemistry: 3965-3981 DOI: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.011884
  20. Limjeerajarus, N.| Dhammayannarangsi, P.| Phanijjiva, A.| Tangsripongkul, P.| Jearanaiphaisarn, T.| Pittayapat, P.| Limjeerajarus, C.N. Comparison of ultimate force revealed by compression tests on extracted first premolars and FEA with a true scale 3D multi-component tooth model based on a CBCT dataset. 2020 Clinical Oral Investigations: 211-220 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-019-02919-8
  21. Pollini, A.| Morton, D.| Arunyanak, S.P.| Harris, B.T.| Lin, W.-S. Evaluation of esthetic parameters related to a single implant restoration by laypeople and dentists. 2020 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 94-99 DOI: 1016/j.prosdent.2019.08.017
  22. Sooampon, S.| Sooampon, S. Perception of Thai dental students on becoming innovative healthcare professionals. 2020 European Journal of Dental Education: 95-102 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12472
  23. Udomchaiprasertkul, W.| Kuptanon, C.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. A family with homozygous and heterozygous p.Gly337Ser mutations in COL1A2. 2020 European Journal of Medical Genetics:  DOI: 1016/j.ejmg.2020.103896
  24. Lam-ubol, A.| Matangkasombut, O.| Trachootham, D.| Tarapan, S.| Sattabanasuk, V.| Talungchit, S.| Paemuang, W.| Phonyiam, T.| Chokchaitam, O.| Mungkung, O.-O. Efficacy of gel-based artificial saliva on Candida colonization and saliva properties in xerostomic post-radiotherapy head and neck cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. 2020 Clinical Oral Investigations: DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03484-1
  25. Kaewraemruaen, C.| Ritprajak, P.| Hirankarn, N. Dendritic cells as key players in systemic lupus erythematosus. 2020 Asian Pacific journal of allergy and immunology: 225-232 DOI: 10.12932/AP-070919-0639
  26. Limpuangthip, N.| Somkotra, T.| Arksornnukit, M. Subjective and objective measures for evaluating masticatory ability and associating factors of complete denture wearers: A clinical study: 2020 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.  DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.01.001
  27. Urwannachotima, N.| Hanvoravongchai, P.| Ansah, J.P.| Prasertsom, P.| Koh, V.R.Y. Impact of sugar-sweetened beverage tax on dental caries: A simulation analysis.  2020 BMC Oral Health: DOI: 10.1186/s12903-020-1061-5
  28. Pariyawathee, S.| Phattarataratip, E.| Thongprasom, K. CD146 expression in oral lichen planus and oral cancer. 2020 Clinical Oral Investigations. 325-332 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-019-02871-7
  29. Shotelersuk, V.| Kamolvisit, W.| Rojvachiranonda, N.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Severe craniofrontonasal syndrome in a male patient mosaic for a novel nonsense mutation in EFNB1. 2020 European Journal of Medical Genetics: DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2020.103924
  30. Vivatbutsiri, P.| Iempook, T.| Wonghinkong, S.| Sopa, S.| Detsomboonrat, P. Dental school tracks related to the retention of dentists in Thai government service: A cross-sectional survey. 2020 Human Resources for Health: DOI: 10.1186/s12960-020-0444-7
  31. Song, D.| Shujaat, S.| Zhao, R.| Huang, Y.| Shaheen, E.| Van Dessel, J.| Orhan, K.| Van de Velde, G.| Coropciuc, R.| Pauwels, R.| Politis, C.| Jacobs, R. In vivo quantification of mandibular bone remodeling and vascular changes in a wistar rat model: A novel HR-MRI and micro-CT fusion technique. 2020  Imaging Science in Dentistry: 199-208 DOI: 10.5624/ISD.2020.50.3.199
  32. Jaroonwitchawan, T.| Visitchanakun, P.| Dang, P.C.| Ritprajak, P.| Palaga, T.| Leelahavanichkul, A. Dysregulation of Lipid Metabolism in Macrophages Is Responsible for Severe Endotoxin Tolerance in FcgRIIB-Deficient Lupus Mice. 2020 Frontiers in Immunology: DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00959
  33. Phusuntornsakul, P.| Jitpukdeebodintra, S.| Pavasant, P.| Leethanakul, C. Vibration activates the actin/NF-κB axis and upregulates IL-6 and IL-8 expression in human periodontal ligament cells. 2020 Cell Biology International: 661-670 DOI: 10.1002/cbin.11267
  34. Hemwong, N.| Phokaew, C.| Srichomthong, C.| Tongkobpetch, S.| Srilanchakon, K.| Supornsilchai, V.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. A patient with combined pituitary hormone deficiency and osteogenesis imperfecta associated with mutations in LHX4 and COL1A2. 2020 Journal of Advanced Research: 121-127 DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2019.10.006
  35. Trinh, H.A.| Dam, V.V.| Banlunara, W.| Sangvanich, P.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Acemannan Induced Bone Regeneration in Lateral Sinus Augmentation Based on Cone Beam Computed Tomographic and Histopathological Evaluation. 2020 Case Reports in Dentistry: DOI: 10.1155/2020/1675653
  36. Sucharitakul, J.| Buttranon, S.| Wongnate, T.| Chowdhury, N.P.| Prongjit, M.| Buckel, W.| Chaiyen, P. Modulations of the reduction potentials of flavin-based electron bifurcation complexes and semiquinone stabilities are key to control directional electron flow. 2020 FEBS Journal: DOI: 10.1111/febs.15343
  37. Homchan, A.| Sukted, J.| Mongkolsuk, S.| Jeruzalmi, D.| Matangkasombut, O.| Pakotiprapha, D. Wss1 homolog from Candida albicans and its role in DNA–protein crosslink tolerance. 2020 Molecular Microbiology: 409-422 DOI: 10.1111/mmi.14518
  38. Prasertsom, P.| Kaewkamnerdpong, I.| Krisdapong, S. Condition-Specific Oral Health Impacts in Thai Children and Adolescents: Findings From the National Oral Health–Related Quality of Life Survey. 2020 Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health: 49-56 DOI: 10.1177/1010539519899774
  39. Srimaneepong, V.| Rokaya, D.| Thunyakitpisal, P.| Qin, J.| Saengkiettiyut, K. Corrosion Resistance of Graphene oxide/Silver Coatings on Ni–Ti alloy and Expression of IL-6 and IL-8 in Human Oral Fibroblasts. 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60070-x
  40. Soe, H.M.S.H.| Luckanagul, J.A.| Pavasant, P.| Jansook, P. Development of in situ gel containing asiaticoside/cyclodextrin complexes. Evaluation in culture human periodontal ligament cells (HPLDCs). 2020 International Journal of Pharmaceutics: DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2020.119589
  41. Pitak-Arnnop, P.| Witohendro, L.-K.| Meningaud, J.-P.| Subbalekha, K.| Iamaroon, A.| Sirintawat, N.| Klaisiri, A.| Neff, A. Which characteristics can be expected from p16+-squamous cell carcinomas of the posterior oral cavity and oropharynx? – Distinctive results from Central Germany.   2020 Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: 213-218 DOI: 10.1016/j.jormas.2019.10.013
  42. Chaiarwut, S.| Niyompanich, J.| Ekabutr, P.| Chuysinuan, P.| Pavasant, P.| Supaphol, P. Development and characterization of antibacterial hydroxyapatite coated with mangosteen extract for bone tissue engineering. 2020 Polymer Bulletin: DOI:10.1007/s00289-020-03284-3
  43. Bhalang, K.| Steiger, B.| Lukic, N.| Zumbrunn Wojczyńska, A.| Hovijitra, R.S.| Ettlin, D.A. The Pain–to–Well-Being Relationship in Patients Experiencing Chronic Orofacial Pain. 2020 Frontiers in Neurology: 10.3389/fneur.2020.557415
  44. Tinikul, R.| Lawan, N.| Akeratchatapan, N.| Pimviriyakul, P.| Chinantuya, W.| Suadee, C.| Sucharitakul, J.| Chenprakhon, P.| Ballou, D.P.| Entsch, B.| Chaiyen, P. Protonation status and control mechanism of flavin–oxygen intermediates in the reaction of bacterial luciferase. 2020 FEBS Journal: DOI: 10.1111/febs.15653
  45. Phattarataratip, E.| Sappayatosok, K. The Significance of Relative Claudin Expression in Odontogenic Tumors. 2020 Head and Neck Pathology: 480-488 DOI: 10.1007/s12105-019-01072-8
  46. Tangsripongkul, P.| Jearanaiphaisarn, T. Resin Composite Core and Fiber Post Improved the Fracture Parameters of Endodontically Treated Maxillary Premolars with Wedge-shaped Cervical Lesions.  2020   Journal of Endodontics: 1733-1737 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2020.07.018
  47. Manokawinchoke, J.| Sumrejkanchanakij, P.| Boonprakong, L.| Pavasant, P.| Egusa, H.| Osathanon, T. NOTCH2 participates in Jagged1-induced osteogenic differentiation in human periodontal ligament cells. 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-70277-7
  48. Limjeerajarus, N.| Fakkao, M.| Lampang, S.N.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Limjeerajarus, C.N. Experimental data on mechanical behavior and numerical data on tensile stress distribution of a hyperelastic Polydimethysiloxane (PDMS) based membrane for cell culture. 2020 Data in Brief: DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105476
  49. Itthipongsatorn, N.| Srisawasdi, S. Dentin microshear bond strength of various resin luting agents to zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramics. 2020 Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry: 237-237.e7 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.02.004
  50. Supotngarmkul, A.| Panichuttra, A.| Ratisoontorn, C.| Nawachinda, M.| Matangkasombut, O. Antibacterial property of chitosan against e. Faecalis standard strain and clinical isolates. 2020 Dental Materials Journal: 456-463 DOI: 10.4012/dmj.2018-343
  51. Rernglit, W.| Sucharitakul, J.| Schulte, A.| Suginta, W. Real-Time Electrochemical Measurement of N-Acetyl-ß-D-Glucosaminidase Activity, Using Redox-Tagged N-Acetyl-ß-D-Glucosaminide Hydrolysis as Proof-of-Principle. 2020 IEEE Sensors Journal: 7639-7645 DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2981054
  52. Vu, T.T.| Nguyen, M.T.| Sangvanich, P.| Nguyen, Q.N.| Thunyakitpisal, P. Acemannan used as an implantable biomaterial for vital pulp therapy of immature permanent teeth induced continued root formation.  2020 Pharmaceutics:1-16 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070644
  53. Sawangmake, C.| Rodprasert, W.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P. Integrative protocols for an in vitro generation of pancreatic progenitors from human dental pulp stem cells. 2020 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications: 222-229 DOI: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2020.06.145
  54. Nitayavardhana, I.| Theerapanon, T.| Srichomthong, C.| Piwluang, S.| Wichadakul, D.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Four novel mutations of FAM20A in amelogenesis imperfecta type IG and review of literature for its genotype and phenotype spectra. 2020 Molecular Genetics and Genomics: 923-931 DOI: 10.1007/s00438-020-01668-8
  55. Kuncorojakti, S.| Rodprasert, W.| Yodmuang, S.| Osathanon, T.| Pavasant, P.| Srisuwatanasagul, S.| Sawangmake, C. Alginate/Pluronic F127-based encapsulation supports viability and functionality of human dental pulp stem cell-derived insulin-producing cells. 2020 Journal of Biological: DOI: 10.1186/s13036-020-00246-1
  56. Nowwarote, N.| Manokawinchoke, J.| Kanjana, K.| Fournier, B.P.J.| Sukarawan, W.| Osathanon, T. Transcriptome analysis of basic fibroblast growth factor treated stem cells isolated from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. 2020 Heliyon: DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04246
  57. Srimaneepong, V.| Sindhavajiva, P.R.| Namano, S.| Singkarlsiri, V.| Vacharaksa, A. The increase Of IL-1β and IL-6 in oral epithelial cells induced by corrosion products of multiple-recast palladium-silver dental alloy. 2020 Journal of International Dental and Medical Research: 915-921
  58. Gupta, N.| Ferreira, J.| Hong, C.H.L.| Tan, K.S. Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 and ATCC PTA 5289 ameliorates chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis. 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-73292-w
  59. Pisarnturakit, P.| Detsomboonrat, P. Comparison of two caries prevention programs among Thai kindergarten: A randomized controlled trial. 2020 BMC Oral Health: DOI: 10.1186/s12903-020-01107-5
  60. Chaikeawkaew, D.| Everts, V.| Pavasant, P. TLR3 activation modulates immunomodulatory properties of human periodontal ligament cells. 2020 Journal of Periodontology: 1225-1236 DOI: 10.1002/JPER.19-0551
  61. Vu, N.B.| Le, N.T.| Chaisuparat, R.| Thunyakitpisal, P.| Tran, N.M. Ameloblastic Carcinoma in a 2-Year-Old Child: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. 2020 Case Reports in Dentistry: DOI: 10.1155/2020/4072890
  62. Rojnueangnit, K.| Maneechai, P.| Thaweekul, P.| Piriyanon, P.| Khositseth, S.| Ittiwut, C.| Chetruengchai, W.| Kamolvisit, W.| Theerapanon, T.| Suphapeetiporn, K.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Expanding phenotypic and mutational spectra of mitochondrial HMG-CoA synthase deficiency. 2020 European Journal of Medical Genetics: DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2020.104086
  63. Buranarom, N.| Komin, O.| Matangkasombut, O. Hyposalivation, oral health, and Candida colonization in independent dentate elders. 2020 PLoS ONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0242832
  64. Sriwaiyaphram, K.| Punthong, P.| Sucharitakul, J.| Wongnate, T.Structure and function relationships of sugar oxidases and their potential use in biocatalysis. 2020 Enzymes: 193-230 DOI: 10.1016/bs.enz.2020.05.006 Rujirachotiwat, A.| Suttamanatwong, S. Curcumin Promotes Collagen Type I, Keratinocyte Growth Factor-1, and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expressions in the in Vitro Wound Healing Model of Human Gingival Fibroblasts. 2020 European Journal of Dentistry: DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1715781
  65. Ritprajak, P.| Sirithanakorn, C.| Nguyen, T.N.Y.| Sereemaspun, A.| Aramwit, P. Biosynthetic sericin 1-like protein skews dendritic cells to tolerogenic-like phenotype. 2020 Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry: DOI: 10.1002/bab.2072
  66. Dhanuthai, K.| Kintarak, S.| Subarnbhesaj, A.| Chamusri, N. A Multicenter Study of Tongue Lesions from Thailand. 2020 European Journal of Dentistry. 435-439   DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713296
  67. Yimarj, P.| Subbalekha, K.| Dhanesuan, K.| Siriwatana, K.| Mattheos, N.| Pimkhaokham, A. Comparison of the accuracy of implant position for two-implants supported fixed dental prosthesis using static and dynamic computer-assisted implant surgery: A randomized controlled clinical trial. 2020 Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research: 672-678 DOI: 10.1111/cid.12949
  68. Suwankomonkul, S.| Khantachawana, A.| Changsiripun, C. Comparison of cold-hardening bending and direct electric resistance heat treatment on the mechanical properties and transformation temperature of NiTi archwire: An in vitro study. 2020 International Orthodontics: 147-153 DOI: 10.1016/j.ortho.2019.09.003
  69. Oenning, A.C.| Pauwels, R.| Stratis, A.| de Faria Vasconcelos, K.| Tijskens, E.| de Grauwe, A.| Chaussain, C.| Bosmans, H.| Bogaerts, R.| Politis, C.| Nicolielo, L.| Zhang, G.| Vranckx, M.| Ockerman, A.| Baatout, S.| Belmans, N.| Moreels, M.| Hedesiu, M.| Virag, P.| Baciut, M.| Marcu, M.| Almasan, O.| Roman, R.| Barbur, I.| Dinu, C.| Rotaru, H.| Hurubeanu, L.| Istouan, V.| Lucaciu, O.| Leucuta, D.| Crisan, B.| Bogdan, L.| Candea, C.| Bran, S.| Baciut, G.| Jacobs, R.| Salmon, B.| Publisher Correction: Halve the dose while maintaining image quality in paediatric Cone Beam CT (Scientific Reports, (2019), 9, 1, (5521), 10.1038/s41598-019-41949-w). 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-59352-1
  70. Wiriyakijja, P.| Porter, S.| Fedele, S.| Hodgson, T.| McMillan, R.| Shephard, M.| Riordain, R.N. The patient acceptable symptom state in oral lichen planus: identification of cut-off threshold scores in measures of pain and quality of life. 2020 Clinical Oral Investigations: DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03695-6
  71. Zhou, X.| Nanayakkara, S.| Songsiripradubboon, S.| Gao, J.| Prabhu, N. A retrospective study on paediatric dental treatment under general anaesthesia at a tertiary public facility in Australia. 2020 Pediatric Dental Journal: 201-207 DOI: 10.1016/j.pdj.2020.06.004
  72. Niramitchainon, C.| Mongkornkarn, S.| Sritara, C.| Lertpimonchai, A.| Udomsak, A. Trabecular bone score, a new bone quality index, is associated with severe periodontitis. 2020 Journal of Periodontology: 1264-1273 DOI: 10.1002/JPER.19-0580
  73. Aguilar, P.| Mahanonda, R.| Sa-Ard-Iam, N.| Lertchirakarn, V. Effects of lipopolysaccharide on proliferation, migration and osteogenic differentiation of apical papilla cells from early and late stage of root development. 2020 Australian Endodontic Journal: DOI: 10.1111/aej.12475
  74. Homchan, A.| Sukted, J.| Matangkasombut, O.| Pakotiprapha, D. Emerging roles of Wss1 in the survival of Candida albicans under genotoxic stresses. 2020 Current Genetics: DOI: 10.1007/s00294-020-01123-6
  75. Techa-ungkul, C.| Sakoolnamarka, R. The effect of dentin age on the microshear bond strength and microleakage of glass-ionomer cements. 2020 Gerodontology. DOI: 10.1111/ger.12520
  76. Yiemstan, S.| Krisdapong, S.| Piboonratanakit, P. Association between clinical signs of oral lichen planus and oral health-related quality of life: A preliminary study. 2020 Dentistry Journal: DOI: 10.3390/DJ8040113
  77. Sumphaongern, T. Risk factors for ala nasi pressure sores after general anesthesia with nasotracheal intubation.  2020 Heliyon: DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03069
  78. Intarak, N.| Budsamongkol, T.| Theerapanon, T.| Chanamuangkon, T.| Srijunbarl, A.| Boonprakong, L.| Porntaveetus, T.| Shotelersuk, V. Tooth ultrastructure of a novel COL1A2 mutation expanding its genotypic and phenotypic spectra. 2020 Oral Diseases: DOI: 10.1111/odi.13657
  79. Piemjai, M.| Chantarawej, P.| Nakabayashi, N. Evaluation of Caries-Free Restorations Bonded with Various Adhesive Systems: In Vitro Study. 2020 International Journal of Dentistry: DOI: 10.1155/2020/5859835
  80. Mazzi-Chaves, J.F.| de Faria Vasconcelos, K.| Pauwels, R.| Jacobs, R.| Sousa-Neto, M.D. Cone-beam Computed Tomographic–based Assessment of Filled C-shaped Canals: Artifact Expression of Cone-beam Computed Tomography as Opposed to Micro–computed Tomography and Nano–computed Tomography. 2020 Journal of Endodontics: 1702-1711 DOI: 10.1016/j.joen.2020.07.010
  81. Lotinun, S.| Atjanasuppat, K.| Limsuvech, J.| Leelahavanichkul, A.| Svasti, S.| Krishnamra, N. Nephrectomy Does not Exacerbate Cancellous Bone loss in Thalassemic Mice. 2020 Scientific Reports: DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-64681-2
  82. Kamolnarumeth, K.| Thussananutiyakul, J.| Lertchwalitanon, P.| Rungtanakiat, P.| Mathurasai, W.| Sooampon, S.| Arunyanak, S.P. Effect of mixed chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide mouthrinses on developing plaque and stain in gingivitis patients: a randomized clinical trial. 2020 Clinical Oral Investigations: DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03470-7
  83. Tarateeraseth, T.| Thamrongananskul, N.| Kraisintu, P.| Somyhokwilas, S.| Klaisiri, A.| Sriamporn, T. Effect of different types of silane coupling agents on the shear bond strength between lithium disilicate glass ceramic and resin cement. 2020  Journal of International Dental and Medical Research: 836-842
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